Forums > Social Chat > California Spinning Law

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Anthony_SchausGOLD Member
2 posts
Location: USA

We are a small collective getting together in a small town in northern california. We spin at our local farmers market for the people who come to see the market and enjoy the park and fire performers. We have been spinning for a few years at the market. We are very safe with a proper fuel station, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and a towel to put the fire equipment out. Last night for the first time we had a bicycle cop come up to us and say that we need a permit from the city. My question for everyone is where can i research the laws on fire spinning or if someone knows any laws for northern california.

ShockeclipseSILVER Member
4 posts
Location: USA

I think your best bet is to go to the local police station or city hall etc and inquire about the laws regarding performing with fire in public.

Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

If the police in California are anything like the police in the UK they don't know the truth about a lot of civil law.

Happy spinning smile

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Anthony_SchausGOLD Member
2 posts
Location: USA

lol thats what I think is happening here. We have been able to spin for a few years at the farmers market and have actually had the firefighters and police watch us and the liked the show. But now we have some new bicycle cop that saw us and thinks it "looks illegal" but thanks for the help guys we have an appointment with a city council member and starting to get a fuel station/first aid kit together for the fire marshall to inspect.

5 posts
Location: Athens Ga

Your best bet would probably call the fire department and speak with them. They are the ones who will know about the laws pertaining to fire and will point you in the proper direction if permits are required. Good luck

16 posts
Location: Houston, Tx.


Maybe this cop is a new guy that needs to be invited to come watch when you spin. You say that the Firefighters and Police come watch you. Maybe you can talk to those who've seen you spin and 'suggest' the new people come watch?

It's just an idea. Please let us know what happens with your meeting... Inquiring minds want to know. grin

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