1 post

To trace a circle of fire on the ground right before you start: do I just not spin off, light up, and draw the circle? Gonna try it anyway, just checking to see if this is considered a spin off so I don't start flinging lit fuel around.......thanks.

RuzeBRONZE Member
18 posts
Location: Cheyenne, Wy, USA

my friends and i would swing the lit poi by each side of our body very vigorously, focusing the fastest part on the down swing. No lit fuel flew around, there would only be a small stream about a foot and a half on the back swing. But the fuel went out almost instantly. Just take proper precautions as normal.

I hoped i helped

beaniebobGOLD Member
casually noob tech poi spinrar
155 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Light up your poi after dipping, place them on the ground and drag/spin them decently fast in a circle around you on the ground.

I've only ever seen that done with round poi, because the dragging makes the poi head spin so that you get something similar to a staff burn off. The guy who showed me how to do them called them crop circles, but I don't have much experience doing it because where I burn, crop circles aren't allowed because they damage the grass.

"If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error."

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