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benledoux6BRONZE Member
1 post
Location: USA

Starting this post in hopes that more people look into spinning a puppyhammer . Its basically a long meteor. Its longer with knots ,beads, or tape marking out body spicific spots that are unique to your own body. So making your own is the only way to get the length correct.
Check out charlie puppyhammer on youtube. Its where i got the idea to make my own

iSp1nF1reBRONZE Member
Alcoholic FlowMaster
17 posts
Location: Knoxville, TN, USA

i saw one of my buddies from knoxville at homegrown and he was tellin me about this but that video didnt really show it off the same way he explained it. although, i have been looking for a video of someone spinning fire in two different planes, i.e. 3D and had yet to find it until now. thanks. do you have any other information on making a firehammer?

Liquid and Fire is a beautifully breathtaking combination

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