Brittney MeystSILVER Member
1 post
Location: USA

hi Im attempting to "get into" meteor hammer and decided to make my own to practice with .. my question is length .. ive read online that it should be two-3 meters long .. which is ike 8 feet give or take .. but im only 4ft11 and that seems really long for me .. but again Im just getting into this so what do I know ? if anyone could shed some light on this for me or lend a hand figuring out length or even explaining to me why I should use a traditional 2-3 meter length that would be awesome .. thanks

2 posts

I've been practicing with rope dart for almost a year now and I recommend you keep the traditional length. For rope dart, a preferred length is double your height. But getting use to the preferred length is critical because if you start off small and work into the traditional length, it would be like learning a new weapon.

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