1 post

Hi. I'm new to this but would greatly appreciate some advise. I have become involved in fire jumping my dogs with our group forming the only troupe in Western Australia. We have carefully designed the jumps so that there is no risk to the dogs with the flames only being to the side and above them. Can anyone please give us advise on the best fuel to use. We are finding we need helpers to refuel the rings and wicks often during the performance. We need something that will burn clean and for a long time without flare ups. we have been using a mixture of kero, lamp oil and metho. Also what would be the best wick to use for this application. Your time and opinion is immensely appreciated.

ZandESILVER Member
8 posts
Location: USA

if youre looking for a rich flame with length go straight starter fluid. since youre hoops are for jumping i imagine there is no motion in them. so soak em up!

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