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Profile for monkeykat

Registered on: 3rd Feb 2001
Total posts: 13

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Last Forum Posts

Hi anyone in Auckland want to meet up for a spin, Im a former a kiwi who now lives in Sydney.I'm over here for 3 weeks or so and are staying in Mission Bay.There are some great spots to...

Well in Sydney it's pretty easy to find the queer side of town anywhere in the inner west or city in general.As far as spinning goes there are a number of groups.Fire Art Fanatics,the g...

Hi,anyone in Auckland NZ want to meet four a spin?I'm likely to be here for about another 3 weeks or so, depends on business and would love to light up with any NZ twirlers, I live in s...

Follow your Friends

Barefoot Monkeys - Circus Troupe at Vassar College
End of Summer
Fire Fans
Heart shaped flame
The First Time
laughter and light
Hoop Smear Sphere
On faya
Time warp
What About the Boat Times
Wheel Reflected
Tired Jesters in love
Dancing with fire... Tango!
End of the Tunnel
sparkle me pretty
fire dance
Fire joy
Circle of Light
On The Tip Of My Tongue
💚💛❤Love 💚💛❤
Sacred Circle
fire fight
Hand on stands

HOP kreisförmig

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