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Profile for TaiGuy

Registered on: 9th Feb 2001
Total posts: 127

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Last Forum Posts

My Mugshot

ahh... let's just get one thing down before we continute... when learning any of the BTB weaves... your gonna hurt shoulders... flexibility... girth... what are these words to the wi...

I remember being in the same exact spot you're in... that was a long time ago the reverse weave isn't all that hard to pick up... it just feels 'weird' to begin with it still fe...

Follow your Friends

Sunrise juggle
Bending fire
Joker VS two face
Flow 🔥💗...
Funky Laila Gaia
First time
Princess Mescaline.
Demons are hot
First firespinning with my son
Hoop pose
storms and glow
the fixel
Getting hot in here
Benjamin Berry at R2R
Light the night
Sailing away
Close to the flame
Burn It
Fire whip fiasco
Carnival under the sea
Rosen Passage to a motion
Spiraling Flame
Stealth Ninjas cames out at night
ken arok
a little bit of sock poi :
Harbour lights
Apres Burn
Nuclear burn off

HOP kreisförmig

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