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Profile for SDLW

SILVER Member since Sep 2004
Registered on: 12th Sep 2004
Total posts: 326

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Last Forum Posts

I am not back untill the afternoon of the twenty sixth so after then would be good if not have fun and how ironic the one time I choose to leave nuneaton stuff happens

boo*hugs* hello yougot bored at home alone so invade your thread*sends in the small cheese men*

Rargh:P its been a while how are you

Follow your Friends

Mama F
Myk Yp - Dragon Staff - UK
Rapid Oxidation
Stanley Styx
Purple Wood Nymph
Lava Demon
Signs! Beam me up Schmoddi
Juggling Love
Double hoops and sun rays
Blimey what did I get myself into
Light messages from Lemuria
Nude Nymph
Butt Hooping
Me Myself n My Hoop!
Witch craft
Poi in the Alpes
Drag Circle with Medium Cathedral Fire Poi
Halloween Fire Hooping
From me to you
Fire on the Pasture
Disco Glow
Just stay at home
With ur Smile
Lost in my own mind
fire flower
The Quiet
Vortex of Color

HOP kreisförmig

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