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Profile for SmokyDavy

Do my poi look too small in this?
SILVER Member since Jan 2002
Registered on: 16th Jan 2002
Total posts: 394

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Last Forum Posts

Hey Everyone,I'm just here to announce that the ever talented Lindsay and I will be teaching our skills at the next workshops, so it'll be poi, staffs and hulla hoops. If anyone wants ...

CF WORKSHOPS IN CENTRAL TORONTOCircularFusion WorkshopsDecember 18th8:00-10:00pm (with breaks)720 Bathurst St (SuperSprouts) (near Bloor)10$ at the door (no discounts)Practice and Fire ...

CircularFusion WorkshopsThursday Oct 16,30 & Nov 13,277:30-10:30pm720 Bathurst St ( SuperSprouts ) (near Bloor)15$ at the door100$ for 10 pre-paid 3hr lessons(ALL PREPAID LESSONS WILL B...

Follow your Friends

Lion's Head
Your only limit is your imagination
Sewer Reflection
Busker flow
Hulaween flame princess!
balls everywhere
dragon and hoop
Blood moon
captain barbel
Calm before the storm
Fairy of the forest
Austin Waycaster Fire Water
4 petal flower :P
Playground Poi
couple fight
Contact juggling
Yin Yang
Mistress of Fire
Hot stuff
Fire Queen
walk with the fire
La Dame de Feu
Silk Butterfly
Happiest Hooper - Kari B.
Waves of Fire
Crouching Flying Tiger
Creeping around upsidedown
you light me up my love
Green scene
winter flames

HOP kreisförmig

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