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Profile for GinOokami

GOLD Member since Apr 2012
Registered on: 14th Apr 2012
Total posts: 3

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Last Forum Posts

My favourite is one I created(At least, I haven't seen anyone else do it =P), it's a combo of a wrist wrap and an orbital.

SO. I was able to get the normal 1.5 down easily enough(not sure why it's in the advanced section, but hey), and I was curious to see if anyone had tried to do it backwards. I've tried ...

Hey everyone,I was nosing around the shop and watching a few video tutorials, looking mostly at things regarding fans and the s-staves, when I had a thought: What if you put a finger lo...

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Yin & Yang
ocean of dreams
Sunset Silhouette
Sinister Bird
Lucids Multi Hoop Magic
🔥lighting up the night🔥
Poi towers :
Playing ghost
He was fire
TPM Couple Of Fire
spirit of fire
Gem Dee
Acro cats
pentagram poi
Twin Flames
Uyuni, Bolivia
green lilly
Contortion flow
Fueling My Ship.
UV dream
Tribe of Cirquedelic
Control Tower
Performance is in the Fire 1
rabbit with crystalball
Lightsaber Spinning
Tracer poi!

HOP kreisförmig

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