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Profile for Phil Reilly

Phil Reilly
Registered on: 11th May 2012
Total posts: 2

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Last Forum Posts

Hey dude Where do you live , we are about to attempt a world record in Como Australia , interested

G'Day world fire twirling community , my name is Phil Reilly and my sons Luke and Zak have been twirling for ten years. We have 8 different fire tools ,they have named themselves "...

Follow your Friends

Performance with my love to
podpoi at the lake
Teach em while their young
Burning hoop
A big smile for the crowd
Peaceful flow
Spirit of Shiva
Fire Flower Power
Firefly Fans
Next Generation
Poi is where the heart is
Hoop Duo
Fire Vortex
Pure Happiness
Big Wick Energy ;
Rainbow Cove
Snake Hoop of Death and Destruction
Painting pictures with Fire
Ocean Flow
Figure Eight
Holding fire with your teeth
Pretty Lights
Circle of life
I see fire
Tornado Flame

HOP kreisförmig

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