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Profile for Superman

BRONZE Member since Mar 2001
Registered on: 12th Mar 2001
Total posts: 829

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Last Forum Posts

im afraid of things on fire swirling around my head...hee hee...just kiddingI hate wasps....i was attcked by a swarm when i was about 4.but i have a thing with cockroaches. im not afrai...

i learned that when running form a car, you are faster than the vehicle on foot for at least 3 cut away shots. Cops are the worst drivers.99% of the people in the movies can go days, we...

crap that was said...

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Life’s connections
Urban Fire
Ring of fire
Fire dance
Its fire flavoured
Dance for the muse
Its not cold
Evanna poi
Phillipine dragon
Zombie Bazaar Flight
Hoop backbend
Crab Cakes two high fire duo!
Orlando FL
Heating The Holidays with History
Sparkle Staff Shield
Fire Staff
Coming full circle
Lucifer Blasphemous Carnavl
Red Carpet Buffet
The Raving Mad Hooper
Fire Fighter
A dark night of fire
Understanding through fire
Cobra jellyfish
Bartholomew  Slab
On my knees.

HOP kreisförmig

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