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Profile for Bumfro

Its a bum with an afro...
Registered on: 11th Apr 2005
Total posts: 223

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Last Forum Posts

Well, its 2 days until Sydney Big Day Out and I am getting rediculously excited Anyone else going???

Thanks gabe Sure roar, u sure can come, but ur place is kind of in the wrong direction........

Im heading up to Byron for a bit of a road trip and wondering if there are regular fire meets i could get along to round that way?

Follow your Friends

Rise Up, Phoenix
Through the gates of fire
Twista Fire Poi
Fire Tornado
Girl on Fire
Remember that First Burn?
A spin in the park
Goddess Of Fire
Battle for the burning man
Fire ball holder
Shadow flower
fire horizon
Fiery spirits
Fire fades to grey.....
Volo volando
Circle of Circus
Flirting with Fire
Air Water Earth Fire
Poi by the beach
Phoenix Staff
Macabre Inferno
Van Gogh Fire Poi
Flaming Flowers
Lighted Rainbow
Ninja Flower
spark poi inferno
Fire fans in Florida

HOP kreisförmig

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