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Profile for Fwirl :p

Fwirl :p
Registered on: 8th Jun 2002
Total posts: 76

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Last Forum Posts

Music. The best invention of human kind. There are certain that make me feel certain emotions. Whenever I hear Winter by Tori Amos I just want to cry my heart out. I'm listening to it n...

awesome post.Something happened last that happens every so often. I had just had been to see the oldest class at my school peform a play (Under Milkwood) which had a friends sister and ...

~Thanks Pele...that made things a bit clearer(Numerology)~with the example, i personally don't like it when the fortune teller said "3 husband u will be happy." i think any good fortune...

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Flaming Poi
Incursion Promo
Dragon Fire Flower
APretty Pink 8s
Beach Babe
Are you afraid of the dark?
Flying into the Woods
Danger on one wheel
LED Haunt Night
Double hoops and sun rays
Pyro by Julier Bruhier et Ma Nu
Fire Hoop
Spiral Out
Tanapauni by Dreamdancers
magic fans
mt rainier flow
Oscillate to Compensate
Glitter Orbital
Fire staff
Ladder Notation.
Harvest Moon
I saw you coming, little fire.
Fire concert
florida morning sesh
Hooping on Main Street

HOP kreisförmig

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