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Profile for JerryD

SILVER Member since Aug 2005
Registered on: 1st Aug 2005
Total posts: 136

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Last Forum Posts

After spinning for a bit I was lucky enough to partake in a 3-day workshop on firespinning. They emphasized the warm up. They would begin with circular wrist motions in both directions...

I just got the freerice site sent to me by a friend and immediately thought, I need to post this on HoP!! Good thing I searched first. Glad to see it was already here.

Where is PA are you...how far south? I know there are groups in Baltimore and Philly, maybe those would work for you?


Pair of Pro Medium Cathedral Fire Poi  
7th October, 2020
Made for an excellent first burn!!!!
"I ordered these cathedral poi to use for my first burn. They showed up in plenty of time for me to get used to their weight. Once lit they made for an excellent first burn experience. Cannot wait to use them again. Thanks HoP!!!"
Jerryd, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Aug 2005

Service and support  
18th June, 2009
Excellent as always
"Thanks for the quick shipping of high quality products. I *love* the new Thank You packet containing the HoP business cards and referral code stickers. What a great idea. I will be sure to take those along to the music festival we attend every year. I always get a ton of questions about my gear (which is all HoP). You guys are the best!!"
Jeremy, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Aug 2005

Pair of Ultra Poi with Comet Tail and Carry Bag  
6th August, 2009
Best daytime poi I've ever seen
"The title of this review was a quote from somebody watching me spin the other weekend. He was referring to the rainbow ultra poi which I received recently. I switched out the leashes for a pair of ColeCords. These are a lot of fun to spin and lots of people said they looked really great!!"
Jeremy, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Aug 2005

Fire Safety Training  
11th May, 2006
Thank you
"Thanks for providing this free safety DVD. It was very informative and presented in an entertaining manner. Big thanks to Pele for the interview. While it was obviously difficult for her to recount her accident and its fallout I think that it was an important thing to share."
Jerryd, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Aug 2005

Pair of Pro Medium Cathedral Fire Poi  
11th May, 2006
Made for an excellent first burn!!!!
"I ordered these cathedral poi to use for my first burn. They showed up in plenty of time for me to get used to their weight. Once lit they made for an excellent first burn experience. Cannot wait to use them again. Thanks HoP!!!"
Jerryd, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Aug 2005

The Scales of Poi - Lessons  
11th May, 2006
Excellent approach!!
"I have watched the DVD through once and am excited to try out everything in my practice. There are so many great suggestions and ideas on this DVD! I also appreciate the health/warm up info that it provided. Once of the best things about it is that Nick is really enjoying himself and his passion for the art definitely shines through. Great job Nick!!!!"
Jerryd, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Aug 2005

Poi spinning book  
30th August, 2005
Very Helpful!!
"This is a GREAT book for beginners such as myself. Moves are explained clearly and the illustrations are helpful. In addition to specific moves there is also lots of general information to help develop and improve your spinning style. Thanks Michal!!!!"
Jerry, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Aug 2005

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Illusion of Shape
Ozora performance
Fire Infinity Hoop
A Faded Glow
Elder Dragon
Fire Poi
Ninja Tribal
Buzz Saw
Silk Butterfly
isopuppy at the mosaic stairs in San Francisco
You Just Know
Brandbommen stok
On the bridge
lanterns in the night
Sunset gypsy
Cathedral orb
Front Page of Radio, Lady Blaze Fire Pirate!
Bubble love!!!
Phoenix Rising
Strobe Frame
peace flower
Higher than the Sky Tower
The Art of Firefighting
Fairy tale
Park yoga
Night Flow

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