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Profile for nkempe

SILVER Member since Jun 2017
Registered on: 6th Jun 2017
Total posts: 1

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Last Forum Posts

When I get enthusiastic with my Podpoi, the loops eventually cause abbrasions on my fingers.This happens mostly on my left (non-dominant) middle finger, where I then get a small wound.I...


Pair of Empty Styled Foxy Sock Poi  
28th June, 2017
They're socks, and they're striped :)
"Received the socks from the other side of the world within a week. The socks are elastic which means that they get slightly longer during spinning with heavy weights, which is fine. It does feel like they might tear if you'd use 150 gram balls regularly for half a year, but that's quite heavy for poi anyway. The fabric feels good, no skin irritations at all. One of the socks had a bit of loose string from the opening of the fabric, but a pair of scissors solved that easily. The stitching itself is fine. I've sewn the ends together, creating a loop to hold the poi with. This works really well, you can hold the poi in many ways and don't have to grip them the whole time. I can definitely recommend doing this. Another option is to add a small handle knob to hold them with. I think they sell those here too. All in all a simple but good product for a good price. I had LED poi with strings, and spinning with sock poi is much more fun. No more tangling. :-)"
Kempe, Netherlands.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Jun 2017

Follow your Friends

Steaming hot
Wild and Wonderful Hooping
just lit the chucks
me spinning my ninja poi from home of poi
fire sunset
Caught in stall
Vampire Smile 🦇
Pendulum flower
Sacred Circle
Dance with dragons!
Shayna and Kaila in the swamp
Mr. Luxurious Fox
looking for gold
forgot to charge the battery!
Burst of smoke through the trees
Frozen Heart
Late night poi sesh
Fire makes me smile!
Heart of the flame
Underneath the bridge
ElectroFire Prince
Falling in Love with Flames
Happy fairy
Desert Fire
Dancing with a Fire Fairy
Head Wrap

HOP kreisförmig

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