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Profile for Chester

Registered on: 7th May 2001
Total posts: 9

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Last Forum Posts

Okay, this probably isn't exactly what your looking for...but it does have some wraps on it. Go to http://www.yoyoing.com/sector_y/ .If you scroll down just a bit you'll see a link to ...

Ohhh....my post got the nice flame thingys! Cool!-Chester(so proud)

Okay here's my first move I "invented" although someone's probably already managed to do this , name it and perfect it...I'll give it a whirl at explaining it though....1. Both Poi are...

Follow your Friends

Saharas 4th birthday
Watch me whip
Fire Faery
Top of twilight hill
The Worlds Your Circus!
Fire Fans!
Tribal spirit
Light that stick
Wizard flow
LED Poi Cascadingcarlos
my wings
Sticky icky icky
Chase The Sun
Flying with fairies
Fairy Botics
Dragon Mom
Something a Little Tribal
Face Balance in Krabi, Thailand
Lady in red
Post-Apocalyptic Performance
Circus Pirate
Smile of circle
Electric tornado
First Spin
With some Flare
Fire Hands

HOP kreisförmig

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