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Profile for Fire_Emanator

Registered on: 13th Aug 2002
Total posts: 96

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Last Forum Posts

I think that there should be weapons inspection and disarming of the USA...they are far more dangerous than Saddam Hussein. They have a nuclear arsenal and a bioweapon Arsenal, and so f...

unreal....I say Take bush out...he has succeeded in plunging the planet into a state not experienced since WW2. What an asshole, who the fuck does he think he is, what a dumb ass, gesti...

Sorry Ray, but you and everyone else who thinks that violence is a way to solve the world's political problems, need to wake up to the fact that the use of military force has no place o...

Follow your Friends

Children of the Sun
Chch fire and flow
friends and fire
Monument Valley
Tree of life
Dancing derby dames
Two flame face
Out of the shadows there is light
Green fire
Evoking the spirits of Waverley Abbey
Make It Rayne!
Sunset Poi at Lake Eola
happy hooper
Partner Play in the Park!
fire show love
Mountain Magic
Renard the Fire Druid
Dreaming of Dragons
dragon fire
Lights Of Love
Fire Angels
Double Sword
I survived because the fire within me burned brighter than the fire around me.
my hypperloops
Another hard day at the office
Dancing at Moonstone

HOP kreisförmig

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