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Profile for Karl_Labrada

SILVER Member since Dec 2005
Registered on: 25th Dec 2005
Total posts: 6


ID Student


Adelaide, Australia

Last Forum Posts

hey guysjust got a quick question... what kind of rope do u suggest useing? i just made up a ropedart last night from old rope in the shed (the plastic cheep kind) but ive got some rope...

hey guys. thanks for all the inspiration! ive been a little stuck with my poi spinning lately and wanted to try something new...lastnight i made up a rope dart from a old rope and small...

I've been reading up on how other people rig up their wire wool for burns, and ive found that for me, wrapping the wire wool around an old piece of scrap steel tubeing similar to makein...


Service and support  
19th September, 2006
Pleasure as always
"Deeling with HOP is always a pleasure. good sevice and fast delivery what more could you want?"
Heinrich, Australia.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Dec 2005

LED Wand Lightstick  
11th January, 2006
verry nice
"these led sticks are really bright! and a good weight to spin with (or attatch to a stunt kite for flying at night....) the only thing about them which could be improuved is the on/off button which is good but sometimes u have to press it a few times for it to work... all in all a great new toy!"
Heinrich, Australia.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Dec 2005

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Fire Catching Ladies
the circle of fire
Dreaming of Dragons
the phoenix
Pretty Lights.
Fiery Cross
bless fire bless
Dancing by the lake
Partner Poi
light dancer
No hands, just spin
Fire wings
through the fire
Mia on Fire
Trippy LED
Blissfully blue
The 3 Person 3 Beat!!!
fire hula hoop,firesnakes
Underground Poi Jam
Fire and water
Fire on the Mountain

HOP kreisförmig

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