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Profile for rhian

Registered on: 18th Dec 2000
Total posts: 23

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Last Forum Posts

Hello Axis I,m not from New zealand but I would love to meet up with you in Bristol before you travel.I am on my way to being professional and I swing with some other poi ppl in Bristol...

yoI have just made my first flag and I used silver larme, it looks and feels like tin-foil, it shimmers in the light and works really well. For my next flags I'm going to an Indian sare...

Yo Malcolm I would like to buy a set of fire poi from your shop, but I not sure which set to get, I have done fire once and I have practiced with for 8 months with the comet poi , I th...

Follow your Friends

Nocturnal Sunshine Conclave
Fire It Up
Wheel of Fire
Leave me in the Fire
Rocking staffs!
Pyro by Julier Bruhier et Ma Nu
the phoenix
Salty fire twist
4 Petal Flower
Flower and stem
Flying into the Woods
Buugeng Love
Dark grins
Teaching POI
The Raving Mad Hooper
Light Trail shoot
burn off
hoop dance
fire flower
Sunrise Hooping
The FuturePoi is now
Fire poi spinning
The High-Energy Juggling of Justin Time!
In the heat of the moment
Balkan Party
Poi Canyon!
Full Jedi
Fire love

HOP kreisförmig

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