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Profile for ffirebell

GOLD Member since Dec 2000
Registered on: 19th Dec 2000
Total posts: 44

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Last Forum Posts

Hey I've been offline sort of for a few years now, but still spinning, getting brighter and better all the time... oops didn't see DocLightnings 'read this 1st thing... 'Well um, about ...

Luminate is an earth friendly eco festival of light held up at the magical mystical Canaan Downs 7-11th Feb. check out http://www.myspace.com/luminatefestival for details. I'm looking ...

Hey Johh, did ya check the meet others zone here? There may be some fire folk from down there with their email addresses...I'd play with them but I wont be on the south island for a whi...

Follow your Friends

Breaking Physics Flowers
Balance & Flow
my little alien ufo
Roses are red, I’m on a mission, with many props, I hope to win this competition
Stand by me
Sticky icky icky
Into the garden
purbeck poi
Hannah performing for the first time
Meteor to the sky
Forbidden Flames
Fire Loop
Ethereal bird
Lots of love
Hoop on railway
Stanley Styx Circus Artist
Hooping fairy
Visual poi
Boom tornado!
moving with my fav dance partner just always gifts me the biggest smile
Crystal Ball Alcove Dance
Seeing my inner glow
Three Leaf
circle of passion
Flow Therapy

HOP kreisförmig

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