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Profile for Kev

Registered on: 3rd Jan 2003
Total posts: 83

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Last Forum Posts

Remember reading a post about some fire retardant liquid that you could soak clothes in before performances that apparently worked pretty well. Try the search function?

Oops, sorry for reposting old threads! I was gonna search back through the threads anyway but hey, it's good to talk. We could all search for whatever we needed on the net and never hav...

Hmph. Why does no-one ever come to Scotland?

Follow your Friends

Mind on fire
flaming silk
Handcuffed face spin
A Darker Love
Midair Fiery Contemplation
Dancing in Flames
Marvelous Muriwai
Twice burnt
Flag fun
Rainbow Slinky!
LED Rockin
Lock Shock and Barrel
Teaching POI
food contact ball
Double staff fury
Fire Finale
Let there be smoke
Fire 🔥🔥🔥
Es Vedra
Sunset Magic
For the Love of Fire
The end
Hanging Around
flow lights~!
Gypsy fun
Balance & Light

HOP kreisförmig

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