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Profile for JohnnyFettucini

BRONZE Member since Jan 2007
Registered on: 25th Jan 2007
Total posts: 44

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Last Forum Posts

I had this wounderful and crazy dream last night! A feature length staff only movie done in 3D with loooooots of fire and beautiful scenery! That would be total awesomeness defined!!!

Hey Tim! Thanks! love your foot work Ima is making a "best of" vid on SO2 btw! Going to be sweet!

IT´S DONE!!!After much trouble with computers and what not it´s finished I´m still working on a way to upload it without having to split it up into parts... but here it is on youtube...

Follow your Friends

Wonders of the baton
Villa Lobos Model and Princess Aryiel Hartman
Ring of Fire
Wanna play in your fire 🔥
Cedars Open Studios
Spicy 20s
Poi towers :
My fingers are freezing!
Galactic Flames
Dont slip
Fighting Dragons with Triquetras
Lisa burns Maxlrain
Carl | Belvedere Mont-Royal | Montreal | Canada
Are you mad?
get low
Psychedelic Mind - LED
Contact juggling
Hot staff shot
Country Fair Back Cross
Head Spin!!!
Aenya Little Fire Defending the Gates!
Hooping in Africa
What goes up...
Fahrenheit Fox
lembu sora
Performing in the park!
the joker

HOP kreisförmig

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