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Profile for Yorkshire

SILVER Member since Feb 2007
Registered on: 22nd Feb 2007
Total posts: 33

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Last Forum Posts

i like the floater flower thing at the end! i must now practice that!

It is quite the obstacle! I've got dreads and I just wear it in a bun. Christ rolls and SNES's still kinda catch my hair a bit. I can do a continuous Matrix's and it don't effect the fl...

Well I think people who aren't WOWed by contact staff are dumb and can't appreciate the time and skill it takes to do a simple matrix, or fishtail! I've had people come up to me after a...

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man on fire
Grateful Flow
Fans on Rolling Globe
The Fire Bender
Partner Poi Illusion
Fire poi show at Bordeaux France
Valtron and Zenbient
Burning Passion
The cold never bother me
down at the beach
Cambodian Nights
Float on!
its a mask
Behind the back
Set your wings on fire
Fans from above
great balls of fire
Closer to Flames
Desert Dwellers Live Experience
Gathering Energy
DragonWings Along the Trail
Life is better upside down!
Sacral Chakra
Fan tastic fan fun!
Byron bay poi sunset
I &lt;3 Poi
Bend it like Anusheh

HOP kreisförmig

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