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Profile for Cody

That guy from Reno
SILVER Member since Sep 2003
Registered on: 2nd Sep 2003
Total posts: 556

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Last Forum Posts

I think the most serious issue would be paying attention. Water is definately a key issue but when your dropped into a fantacy land it's easy to forget to eat, sleep etc. One of the d...

Lol Orbit, I tend to go on and on about what we are up to so I try to be low key. :P The Shiva Vista has been upgraded with a new liquid fuel shooter and it's own sound (I think) I di...

Check out this link, burningman Ride Share is pretty good at getting people to the playa. http://www.burningman.com/preparation/travel_info/rideshare.html

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Fire at Rock&Rodes
Fire fold
fire hoop
summertime flow
Detroit BURNS!
Ring of Fire
Things are shaping up.
Poi in the deep canyon
Center Stage
JonBrown fire poi
Fiery Smile
Look Ma, No Hands
moving with my fav dance partner just always gifts me the biggest smile
Dragon roll.
White Lady
Flaming Swords Winner
Behind the back
ElectroFire Prince on LED Hoop
LED hooping at Imagine Festival
Mike, The Man
Enter the LED hoop portal
Shining bright
Flaring off
Tonto is real
magic fans

HOP kreisförmig

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