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Profile for firestarter

Registered on: 13th Sep 2001
Total posts: 2

This person has opted to not have a profile page.

Last Forum Posts

the brass/copper poi idea is a really good one. i still have one more question for ya: how does one keep the flame alive and kicking in the cauldron? i know people who use a roll of toi...

hey all, i have a solo performance coming up this week and i am curious how one can make a cauldron for performances -- small scale of course. i would just be using it to re-light my to...

i cant say i am shocked about this karmic tragedy. america, this great united states of america, has pissed off countless nations and people around the world. this is karma repaying its...

Follow your Friends

PachaMama one with Fire
Smile for the fire
Sunshine Stretches
Colorful Dreams
Invisible Two-Finger Stall
warm and cozy
Sci Fi Mafia Poi
dance :o
Filigree Flames
Halloween on the Beach
Fire Headdress and Palms
Fire in the Mountains: Telluride
Low to the flo!
twist it baby
Smiley Hooping Catgirl
Forgotten Flow
Through the hell
Have you been everything?
hoop love
Ill be your biggest fan
Triumphant FLOWments in the Rain
Anti-spin - In spin
The clone wand
Burn off
Fairy of the forest
Dragon head spinning
Amazon power
Nunchuck Flow

HOP kreisförmig

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