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Profile for FireGirl_and_Pixieboy

Registered on: 2nd Apr 2004
Total posts: 29

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Last Forum Posts

That sounds funky. I was gonna make a two handed sword-big blade, big handle, but a pair of flaming short swords would be cool too. I guess you just apply staff tricks n club spinnin t...

Tis a bit crap really, dontcha think?

Course we got people who can do a weave...who can't.

Follow your Friends

Summoning circle
Flaming Swords Winner
one with the staff
Goth Near Trees
Make It Rayne!
Splicer Bunny
A New beginning
Fire Love
Fire hoop
Aerial Pretzel.
Couples Therapy
Forest fairy
The Eye of Ra
3D Sphere
Pendulum flower
fire hugs
the elbow attack
Taste of fire
Three Synchronised Fire Staff Burnoffs
jammawamma festival
Guy Fawkes
Sword Dancer
Sweethearts on the beach
Brad Bishop
First Poi
Archetypal Arches
one of the first
Fire Reflections

HOP kreisförmig

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