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Profile for Effinkay

SILVER Member since Oct 2008
Registered on: 28th Oct 2008
Total posts: 6

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Last Forum Posts

I have a set of LED poi and it seems like, in the craziest of the last two years, the twist in holder on the LED for the batteries have been lost. I can't seem to find out if they sell ...

I just moved down here from Maine and was wondering if there was a poi shop in the area?please help, i've searched and couldnt find anything.

woot woot go maine!yep im from searsport. :&rbr;

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Wings of Fire
Hula Hoop Silhouette
Love Is Friendship Set On Fire
Performance is in the Fire 1
Loves Bitch
Spring Hoopdancer
Miss Gemma Trick
U me U
Fire & Ice Flower
Fire Flow Fun
A man and his fire
Tribal fire
looking for gold
the dead
Coyote Ugly
Shiny Rave Clown
Tess La Coil Burlesque Hooptease artist
Sunrise Hula Hooping
juggling pactice
The Dark Lake
Smile On Fire!
Out of the shadows there is light
Fire Up the New Year
Triple Wick TTN
Fire freeze
Riding that wave

HOP kreisförmig

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