Slippery Falls uploaded by Pants Dance

Final results

Slippery Falls

Both the photographer and myself had to scale quite the slippery mountainside/rocks by this waterfall to get this photo but it was well worth it.
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Submitted on 2015-08-10 Views:4439
Slippery Falls

As picked by HoP
1. Ethan Cotter entered by Va'ealle
2. Fans fairy entered by Lilia_Hristova
3. clubs in the sky entered by zuz

No. 1
Fire wings!
No. 2
Raah & The Pillar of Fire
No. 3
Archetypal Arches
No. 4
Flying Phoenix
No. 5
When the bugs watch me hoop...
No. 6
Zoo under the marcos
No. 7
Topsy Turvy
No. 8
Rain hooping
No. 9
No. 10
Faeries eye view
No. 11
Slippery Falls
No. 12
Shadow Poi
No. 13
Fans from above
No. 14
KIDS perspective
No. 15
Inspiraled hoops
No. 16
No. 17
Backstage View
No. 18
No. 19
Cassia Chloe Scorpion
No. 20
Tracer poi!
No. 21
Flyin High!
No. 22
As the Heat Rises
No. 23
Ethan Cotter
No. 24
f u n :
No. 25
clubs in the sky
No. 26
Fans fairy
No. 27
Mikiens final at HaDiKo Sommerfest 2012
No. 28
Saboteur 2 Track
No. 29
Sunset flips
No. 30
Flag fun
No. 31
No. 32
view from the top
No. 33
Sweet spin

HOP kreisförmig

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