I cancelled an order but where is my credit card refund?

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I cancelled an order but where is my credit card refund?

Once shipped, it can not be canceled, but goods can be returned for refunds.

We feel this gives users greater control and more of a caring approach to helping customers.

It is quite unfortunate that even though banks can charge your credit card immediately, they still take up to 9+ days to process a refund at the card holders end. This does not make sense and is out of our control.

Immediately the money is taken out of our bank account and sent back to the credit card services provider (eg, normally the customer's bank).

Most people have good banks and get the refund within a day.

But for some unknown reason, it can disappear to earn interest, maybe for the customer's bank or, in fact, VISA??

Then as much as 9+ days later, the customer gets it back into their account. So it can appear from the customer's bank statement that we have not done a refund. And we have kept the money and ripped them off.

Sadly, we get blamed for this when we do the refund immediately. We have increased awareness of the process. However, it can still appear like a scam for a few days until the money returns.

Always check for the refund on dates up to 10 days later; otherwise, it can be missed, and things like this can happen.

I hope that explains.

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