201 posts
Location: Australia

Oh dear... I've been flitting around the place, noticing that there are lots of seriousness and depressive subjects, which I must say I find very interesting. But to keep a balance I thought I shall pour a bit of feel good sunshine into everyones life with this thread...

You know when you have those moments when you are completely content and everything seems perfect and magical? When was your most precious one?

Mine would have to be when I was on my way back from Woodford Folk Festival last year and it was me and two other friends as we drove back to the coast in my mates van. We all sang together to classic songs on the radio and we shared fruit that we had just got from Elvis Parsley (a very strange, hillarious man that has a fruit and veg shop. He's absolutely obsessed with Elvis and he came out and sang 'Jailhouse Rock' to us, microphone, backing music and everything... ). We pulled over and climbed up some mango trees on private property and I truly felt BLISS. It may not seem as special when you haven't experienced it for yourself... but times of freedom and contentment are the sweetest to reflect on...

May blissful moments flow freely into everyones lives from now on!

Narr(*) (*) .. for the gnor ;)
2,568 posts
Location: sitting on the step

cool i love these threads

my bliss moment would have to be my friends 21st birthday we all (12 of his closest friends)decided to go camping at teh sand dunes on hayling island, it was a yummy summer day and we had a bbq and bonfire some of us were spinning, its rare for us all to be in the same place at the same time (uni job etc). then at about 9pm a van pitched up with huge speakers lites etc and about 30 mins later people just poured onto the beach and there was a huge beach party, ive never had such an amazing day!

she who sees from up high smiles

Patrick badger king: *they better hope there's never a jihad on stupidity*

KatBRONZE Member
2,211 posts
Location: London, Wales (UK)

I have lots of those evenings at home, I have had a delicious meal, a glass of fine wine, a cuddle from my Mr. and a nice cd playing on the stereo, good books a plenty to read and I think 'isn't life fine', or sitting in the Churchill arms surrounded by my friends and I feel a glow of contentment at being surrounded by friends in such a great atmosphere. Or just going for a solitary walk in the fields at home and down to the lake and breathing in the fresh air and enjoying the beauty of nature. There are loads of others, simple pleasures they may be, but they are still perfect moments.

Come faeries, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.

- W B Yeats

Captain HazzardBRONZE Member
Ninja (shhhh, don't tell)
420 posts
Location: Truro, UK

the simple pleasures are always the best.
like walking home under a beautiful sky, or listening to the wind blow across a field.

I only wanted to be 16... and free

340 posts
Location: Australia

For all of Tuesday I was floating in that bliss state, during the night one of my guides came to visit me and taught me some wonderful things to do with my energy. She played with me all night, it was one of the coolest things eva! I couldnt stop smiling and laughing all day!

step 1. Throw your self at the ground.
step 2. Miss.

Captain HazzardBRONZE Member
Ninja (shhhh, don't tell)
420 posts
Location: Truro, UK

during the night one of my guides came to visit me
we're not talking GIRL guides here are we?!!!

I only wanted to be 16... and free

175 posts
Location: Derry, N. Ireland

My Blissful moments was a couple of months ago when I took a walk alone to the Ness Woods, a small but beatiful forest with a really nice river flowing through it with a massive waterfall and everything. I sat under the bridge with a little picnic and watched the river flowing past me and listening to water tricking past me and trickeling over the stones on the bank of the little river. It was so relaxing. It was a natural high just sitting and chilling without any humans passing by and I was having the time of my life.

Life is good

Be Good, and if you DONT be Good, Buy a Pram!

DomBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,009 posts
Location: Bristol, UK

Ness Woods is lush! One of those paradise places that is almost too picture perfect.

When I was travelling in New Zealand last summer I would always try to head down to a beach just before sunset. They'd normally be west facing, a snow capped mountain in the near distance and deserted. As the sun coloured the sky I had my own personal paradise. Wandering along, splashing through the waves and bouncing around. Bliss

[ 16. October 2003, 23:57: Message edited by: Døm ]

RoziSILVER Member
100 characters max...
2,996 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Tonight. I went and did a samba dancing class, and then went for a fire spin in the rain. I am totally and completely content.

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

103 posts
Location: Halifax, N.S

up the street from my house there is a feild that has zero lighting. by bliss moment is going up there at midnight cracking a glow stick and spinning my rope dart for no one but me. that is when every thing is perfect and i think the most of my spinning.

some will understand. -buddah

squarefishSILVER Member
(...trusty steed of the rodeo midget...)
403 posts
Location: the state of flux, Ireland

A couple of years ago I was at a beach party which went on all night with fire and glowstick twirling, the cops turned up said "Hi!" and went away again.

The sun began to rise and the islands of Lambay and Irelands Eye floated above the seamist on molten gold.

The sun rose, everything looked like molten silver and beaten copper and everyone walked down to the sea.

201 posts
Location: Australia

Originally posted by Rozi:
I am totally and completely content.

EeraBRONZE Member
old hand
1,107 posts
Location: In a test pit, Mackay, Australia

Sitting on top of a hill on the Isle of Wight, waiting for the breeze to come through so I could go flying, and three of my mates just coming and sitting with me in silence, watching the convergence build with the sun on our faces.

There is a slight possibility that I am not actually right all of the time.

SilvurBRONZE Member
sumthin sumin smmnm....
372 posts
Location: home sweet home, USA

tonite, ami came over to my parents acerage to spin and after she left i went down to the pond, just me and my dog, and it started to rain just a little bit, and i burned one last time. it was perfect.

but my favorite that comes to mind is back in september, it got really cold for about a week, and ami's folks had just gotten a hot tub installed in their back yard. so we were out there at 12 or 1 am, watching the northern lights, and then it got a little chilly, the clouds came, and it began to rain, almost snow. and it was the neatest, purest time that i can think of right now.

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.

hmmmmmm .:*sigh*:.....bliss.:*

Loads of blissful moments ...but most precious I can think of would be...

in the forest with Dimitri... had a smile just glued on my face, to the point where my cheeks hurt...

Beautiful old trees and waterfalls... lusciously soft moss...stars... cuddles... yummy food... fresh air... hmmmmm bliss...

* day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

Captain Howdymember
3 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, United States

What a great topic! My favorite thing about life is that a moment of profound beauty can creep up on you when you least expect it. It's almost as if God is subltly giving you a hint of what it's all about.

One of my best was the dawn of the morning after a long night of dancing and laughing with friends on the beach to the sounds of soothing trance. Several hundred people lined the shore along the edge of the water and waited breathlessly as the sky turned deep pink and purple. Just as the last DJ was spinning a remix of "Gamemaster", a huge redish orange ball of fire erupted over the horizon and everyone clapped and cheered their approval. Sitting there amongst my closest friends and experiencing just how beautiful life could be, completely took my breath away.

201 posts
Location: Australia

Captain... What a blissful experience!

I think when we are feeling down, low, or afraid... we should embrace the sweet taste of the luscious nectar dripping from these experiences, and know that we are capable of being completely happy.

The reason I brought up this subject is so everyone could reflect on a blissful time... and float to that moment. To feel the butterflies in your stomach that fly with glee in moments like these... And know that that memory is there when we are scared or others, scared of ourselves, scared of the past, present or future...

"Everything's gonna be alright"- Bob Marley

Next time I have one of these precious bliss moments, I'll be sure to let you all know! And I'd love to hear more. They make my day!

44 posts
Location: From Florida but now in Namibia, Africa

Ahhhhhhhh.......Magical moments of life! October, 13th, 2002 it was sunny the water was emerald green and love was all around me. My mother had flew in from Africa, my brothers and sisters with smiles on their faces and my father standing next to me telling me how beautiful I looked in my strapless white gown. The salt air blowing whisps of hair down my back as I walk down the sugary white beach towards the man of my dreams.
Seeing the tears in his eyes as I stand before him to say "I Do" knowing that I have a best friend, a life partner that truly loves me for me no matter what the faults and yet still chooses me to spend his life with. I have never known bliss as sweet as this before and I have never known love like this before. I have been blessed in this life with many great things friends, family and health but there is nothing like looking into someones eyes and seeing the future father of your children. Isn't life special!! Brace it, we spend such a short time on this beautiful planet and I wish you all the same great happiness as I felt on that day, without that I don't think life would have been complete. I send you all love and I must say what a great topic and Thank you Dutchess for letting me share that great day with all of you!
Sweet Water & Light Laughter,
Mrs. Autumn Lyfe Ussery

There are no ordinary moments.

PukSILVER Member
Sweet talented nutter
2,615 posts
Location: Brisbane Oz, Australia

Oh i love this thread to

It would had to of been when i said i was going to win a cross country competion (when i first started running).

Everybody laughted at me and thought i was crazy

The only people that stuck up for me where a couple of basketball players . Which surprised me caused i thought they hated me or something One of them told me .

IF you beleive in yourself you can do it
I went on that day to flog the field my age group 15 . and every other one 16's 17's and opens .

I couldn't stop smileing caused after that day i learnt to always beleive in myself.

that shrewd and knavish sprite

Called Robin Good Fellow ; are you not he that is frighten of the maidens of the villagery - fairy

I am the merry wander of the night -puk

ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

When I have done a reading for someone and I know that they have recieved healing out of it...That makes me feel tops...

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

I had been suffering from a chronic illness for a few months and, although I hadn't acutely noticed it, I was feeling more and more fatigued and more and more depressed.

So my doctor put me on a short course of steroids which brought the disease back into remission in a matter of hours.

That night, I went to swim practice, dove in, and when I took my first stroke, it felt like a rocket blast going off. The feeling of a healthy, strong body driving me through the water like a torpedo was something I hadn't felt in months and it felt like dancing and flying all at once.


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

17 posts
Location: Adelaide

I love it when you first meet someone you really 'click' with and you feel like you've known them your whole life.

201 posts
Location: Australia

Congrats Lightning!

I'm really happy for you...

StebbinsBRONZE Member
10th degree spoon weilder
171 posts
Location: Halifax, Canada (currently in Korea)

The Place: Molson Park, Barrie Ont
The event: Edge Fest
The Band: -TOOL-
After a awesome road trip and a awesome day óf listening to bands i find myself in a huge ass crowd waiting for tool to come on. Now i am Far in the back. As soon as the opening rife for "the Grudge" comes on. I say F*#@ it decide to crowd serf for the first time in my life. The crowd took me right to the font row and dropped me right infront of Maynard , the lead singer... I freak out.... after the dust had settled and tool left. I looked up and saw a shit load of fire works going off.. I remeber thinking I had never had so much fun....

-Beeaaatch please, I'm the macaroni with the cheese.
-This message will self destruct in 10 seconds.

DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

What a lovely thread this is...thank you Fairy

The last time I remember feeling this was at Glastonbury this year, Thursday morning at about 4am, just touching the first rays of dawn. We'd been out and about all night and were quite mashed really and very happy. I'd never really seen poi before, except the fire spinners I'd seen that night and some guy spun his poi full of iron filings...know what I mean? It looked absolutely fantastic in the dawn light, it looked like the morning sun coming up right in front of us, and then from over the tree tops came the sound of someone perfectly singing morning prayer, (Is that Muslim? Or perhaps Seek? I don't really know.....) It sounded beautiful and I lay back on the grass with my girlfriend and enjoyed a few moments of pure tranquility and bliss
A time I'll never forget

Let's relight this forum ubblove

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