.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.

Hello gorgeous people!

Wasn’t that a lovely Moon Fest! The weather fined up beautifully, though the moon didn’t seem to do much apart from be her most beautiful luminous self! Not sure what happened to the eclipse idea.
So many people had great new toys to play with! Jez wins the prize for the best mask with his Fire Mask/headpiece! (And I got a turn to wear it! nar narr) It even had little sunnies in the eyes! Teal brought along his new Fire Whip, that fire balls with each crack. Very impressive. The giant Fire Skipping Rope was a real blast! And Incendium’s Fiery Fans of Death… Which I also got a turn of… .:*can’t stop moving…can’t stop moving…can’t stop moving*:. And by golly they are hot!!! A lot like the fire Balls I heard about later... Somehow I managed to miss that one??? Ooh ooh, and all the lovely flags (or ”Sheets”…sorry Sam) they looked beautiful and many a glowing things as well… And of corse everyone’s gorgeous Masks. You all looked fantastic!

Well as you all should know by now, for the next three Moon Fests, (over Winter, June, July & August) we’ll be migrating to the Beacon for a fire! Yeay! I’m also trying to round up a few braziers as well to add a bit more warmth around the place. So far we have two. So if you have one you can bring down, I’d love to hear from you. I’m going to buy a few bags of those fire coals to keep them going. It will be so lovely to snuggle round some cosy warm fires this winter hmmmmmmmmm.

The Dates for the Winter Moon Fests are:
Tuesday, 25th June
Wednesday, 24th July
Friday, 23rd August

So stock up on those winter woollies, bring and extra thick blankie, a mug for hot chai to warm your hands and belly, fire toys, instruments, warm fuzzies and festive spirit! We’ll dance, twirl, drum and snuggle ourselves warm!

Just a gentle, friendly reminder that Moon Fest is a Drug and Alcohol Free Event. Thanks to all of you who respect this.

Thanks to Zinta, Jez, and any of the other clean up fairies I forgot to mention for helping clean up at the end of the night. It makes a job so much easier with helping hands. There was quite a bit of rubbish left behind this month so please remember to take your rubbish with you, I’m sure you’d come across a bin on the way to your car/train station/house.

The Medieval Fayre is on 8th and 9th June, at Musgrave Park South Brisbane. There will be a spectacular Fire & Drumming show by Phoenix Fire Tribe and friends including Brisdjembe Drum Circle, many Moon Fest Friends, and many many professional fire performers of Brisbane and the surrounding district. The show combines Fire Twirling Choreography, Fire Belly Dance, Fire Sculpture, Fire Circle Dance, Fire Drumming, Fire Skipping, Fire, Fire & so much FIRE!!! Should be fun!

Peggy, and John have moved their Rhythm at Redcliffe to Sandgate at the Einbumpin Lagoon. The new drum and dance circle meets each Tuesday evening (from 7pm) to share their love for rhythm and dance. All Welcome. How lovely to have a drum circle just a hop skip and a jump from my house!

The Valley Fiesta is on 13th and 14th July as well as the Yagubi Festival up in Harvey Bay... Have fun trying to decide which one to go to.

I’ve heard through the grape vine that The Tooth Faeries will be playing at the Zoo on Friday the 19th July...

The Einbumpin Festival is on Sunday 28th July, at the Einbumpin Lagoon Sandgate. Bring your fire toys and drums for a jam and twirl after dusk. Market and info stalls, kids rides and activities & live entertainment, throughout the day.

We’ll be back at the usual spot for the Spring Moon Fest on Saturday 21st September. Rainbow Butterfly, Stilt Dancers and much more install!!!

See you all Cosy and Warm by the Fire under the Full Moon*:.

Lots of Love and extra Warm Fuzzies
Elke *:.

*:...one day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.


The Medieval Fayre Performance went so well that we thought we'd do it again for Moon Fest, arround the Beacon! Wow! 'Twill be Amazing!

I will set up the candle circle arround the beacon... and the best place to watch the show will be sitting up on the mound I think...? Unless we deside to do it all arround the other way, with the mounds at the back like it was at Bayfire....??? I'll get back to you on that one.

And 'cause the performance has a medieval feel to it.... why not make this Moon Fest a Medieval one so don't put away those costumes just yet... 'cause this gives you another exuse to wear them!

Yaey! What Fun!

[ 11 June 2002, 11:14: Message edited by: Moon Pixie ]

*:...one day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

21 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia


The fire performance at the fayre was amazing!! just beautiful ....i loved your stilt walking/belly dancing/twirling finale Moon Pixie! and the skipping rope and the fire drums and the jumping over the flamings posts things (whatever its called ) it was all extremely funky and fantastic etc. i'll get my photos developed in the next day or two so i'll let you guys know if i've managed to get any good ones! my film ran out though...i would've loved to have gotten some pics of shar's fire breathing coz it was so damn cool! ah well next time....it was a lovely fayre i thought...i hope everyone else had fun
oo and a medieval moon fest sounds very sweet and very tempting...wonderful idea Moon Pixie!

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.

Thanks Butterfly, you are a sweetie!

And I would love to see ANY photos you got of the show! I would have liked to be seeing it all from the outside aswell!

*:...one day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

21 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

i've just joined the moonfest community, so you'll see me around the msg board there to!
my photos are unfortunately kind of dodgy lol...i needed to zoom in heaps more than i did. but i did get a pretty one of the circle of people with torches at the beginning....
do you still want to see them? i can put them in the mail and send them off to you if you want coz i don't have a scanner ...whatever is sweet for you so just let me know!

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.

Yaey! that'd be great if you don't mind... Coz we could scan them in and send 'em back to you if you'd like???

*:...one day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.

There're are some awesome photos of the last Moon Fest with all the new toys talked about in the letter up there and some great ones of the Medieval Fayre aswell! So if you'd like to check them out, visit https://communities.com/moonfest
and click on the photo albums

Next Tuesday (25th June) is the first of the Winter Moon Fests at the Beacon with a warm cozy fire hmmmmmmmm So I'll see you then with many a warm fuzzies!

I'm also looking for more braziers to put around for extra warmth, so if you can help out, let me know...

*:...one day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.

.:* Bump!*:.

For the Brizzy Folk

See ya Tuesday!

Got to go chop some wood!

Anyone come across any braziers???

*:...one day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

21 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

hey moon pixie!!

i have a brazier! lol but thats not much use to you coz i can't come tomorrow night
but thats coz my brother arrives home tomorrow after being in perth for 6 months so that rocks!!
i'm gonna come to the august moonfest so perhaps i could bring it up then maybe....what a funny sight on the train hehe....in one hand, single staff + poi +fuel and other things, in the other a brazier with a bag of coals lol...
have fun tomorrow night!!!

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.

you'r gorgeous Butterfly!

Bringing all that in the train would be quite a mission! So don't worry beautiful unless it works out to be easy And I'll look after getting coals and stuff coz those things are heavy!!! I couldn't possibley ask you to carry that on a train!!!

*:...one day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

341 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia


Moonfest sounds like so much fun. I really must get up to Brisbane to experience one soon.

Have fun kids.

Love and Light,


18 posts
Location: Melbourne, Victoria

Moon Pixie you giant golden tipped butterfly lady, I have some news to share with you... I have found an annoying piece of your past, this thing always asks questions by raising he's hand... and we'll be up there for the August Moonfest. Along with some other Melbournites to show case some of what we do... can't wait...

Love me... or else...

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.


Well how about you fly by Sydney and pick up Finn aswell! Or you could do a big convoy thing! That's great to here that you'll be coming up for the fest! YAY! and the day after my birthday too! If you'd like to show case your stuff I could bill you on the flyer if ya want! do ya have a group name?

*:...one day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

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