61 posts
Location: abbotsford , bc canada

hi i just got a job in whistler on the ski hill and in the process got my self a job fire spinning on new years so if any one would like to join me let me know

swifty the fire guy

dont ever ask me whta time it is ?where are we? or are we there yet? because the time is now!we here !and we wil never be there !

flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
2,758 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

*sighs* those were the days!!

I used to twirl at the Fire & Ice show every Sunday night in the 98/99 season.... I was the only firedancer in Whistler back then, aside from the few people I taught.

best of luck at First Night! give the creekside gondola a kiss for me, yeah?

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Blaze NetworksBRONZE Member
41 posts
Location: Vancouver BC Canada

whistler eh???? whistler= snow... snow= snowboarding.... sweet.. but anyways... give me the details.. sounds interesting...

hrm... lets burn stuff.... jah!

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

swifty. if all goes well i'll be in whistler last week in january.

i can't afford to do another season so i'm settling for one f**king week

anyway, i'll pm you around that time to see if you fancy a spin while i'm out there - i'd love to do some fire in the mountains.

good luck on new years eve.

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

61 posts
Location: abbotsford , bc canada

hey flash i'll give it a big sloppy wet one .....(remembers scene from "a christmas story " well maybe just a peck

sweet guys it will be nice to meet you guys face to face im sure by them i'll know where the party is gonna be at so call me on my phone @ 1-604-857-3707 i dont quite know what kind of access i will have to the interenet so the phone will be fine

i just hope i can find a good supply of kero up there everything is so expensive

to all the rest gimme a shout if your in my town and we'll be shure to twist one up

dont ever ask me whta time it is ?where are we? or are we there yet? because the time is now!we here !and we wil never be there !

flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
2,758 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

swifty: kero can be bought at the husky gas station, food plus in creekside and probably the IGA too. HOWEVER i really recommend against using kero. You're looking at -15 degrees celsius and the kero is gonna be a bitch to light. I know there has been some heated debates on here about white gas (colemans camping fuel) but given the extremity in temperature in Whistler, I think you'll be much better off using it. My experienced advice

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61 posts
Location: abbotsford , bc canada

thanks for the info flash i'll do use colman but it does not last to long


dont ever ask me whta time it is ?where are we? or are we there yet? because the time is now!we here !and we wil never be there !

Blaze NetworksBRONZE Member
41 posts
Location: Vancouver BC Canada

thats where lamp oil comes handy... if you use a 50/50 thing of lamp oil and white gas it shall do the work... (well worked for me when i was spinning in snow last year...) its a longer burn and yeah.... why aren't there any snow on the mountains of vancouver yet??? as a citizen of vancouver and a snowboarder... thats just pissing me off... but oh well... ANYWAYS... yeah so use some lamp oil!

hrm... lets burn stuff.... jah!

61 posts
Location: abbotsford , bc canada

thank again peeps lamp oil is so expensive though has anyone heard of "clear lite" it's a synthetic kerosene with no smell . burns great too
( it really does not stink!!!!!!!!!!)

i found it at revy i recomend it if you are performing in crowds (not to many chicks dig a guy who stinks like kero)

the stuff is made by ESSO i was thinking of calling them up to try and get a big barrel any bc 'ers wanna chip in?

nay who its to bad kero wont work in the cold cause i buy it cheap by the 10 gallon pale only $30.00 got a friend at revy

gotta run

dont ever ask me whta time it is ?where are we? or are we there yet? because the time is now!we here !and we wil never be there !

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