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Posted: Hi everyone! I'm new the Djembe (been taking lessons for the past 3 weeks) and was wondering if anyone plays the Djembe at Edinburgh Gardens on wednesdays? I'm looking for other drummers to hang out with and learn from. Learning to drum can be quite daunting starting out and finding other drummers can be even more so. Hope ot hear from someone. Thanks guys and happy drumming & twirling.
Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member still can't believe it's not butter 6,978 posts Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: come summer, the djembes/guitars/steeldrums d thaw and return to the gardens. in the meantime, you could always chat witht eh nice drumming hippies @ St andrews markets. that wuoold be fun
Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always
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