caz86Twister Fire Starter ridin on a tratter
156 posts
Location: Bristol/Exeter UK

Hi I was wondering if anyone fancied meeting on a Friday night in a few weeks.
I have already convinced Gab (I think.) I will lay out my motives for ya'z

1) I've been spinning about a week now and can wait to get a feel for fire. I haven't got any fire poi yet but if some lovely, generous person would let me have a spin on theirs I would be forever in their debt.

2) My mate is doing a photography course and she wants to take some pics.

3) I wanna meet some spinners!

Tell me your thoughts!


Matthew B-MLemon-Aware Devilstick-wielding Operative
605 posts
Location: East London Wilds

If you've only been spinning for a week, do you think it's really advisable to try fire?

Luv 'n' Lemons
purity :: clarity :: balance

caz86Twister Fire Starter ridin on a tratter
156 posts
Location: Bristol/Exeter UK

Hmm. Well I can do a coupla basic moves. But I wanna know what its like. And in 2/3 weeks time I think I'll be ready to spin it just a little. It would be good to see some spinners anyway, get some inspiration etc.


2,419 posts
Location: la-la land

first time I ever span I span fire.. but all I did was just simple side spins.. as long as you don't do anything STUPID - you'll be cool..

come down to the Black Swan on the 15th for Psy-Project 6pm to 6am

I'll be doing a work shop on and off thru the night.. I've posted more info about it on a thread some where.. if you wanna pick up a few more hints - I'd be happy to share

I honour you as an aspect of myself..

You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..

61 posts
Location: bristol,uk

anyone noticed how bristol is takin over the events section??!! bristol rocks i love it
ill be up for a meet btw.

Never doubt that a small group of crusties, activists, and politicos can change the world... in fact, it's the only thing that ever does ;-)

King Of Bongoaddict
522 posts
Location: Berlin

would love to go for a spin!
pm wheneva u want.

Your life is ending one minute at a time...
So live it.

caz86Twister Fire Starter ridin on a tratter
156 posts
Location: Bristol/Exeter UK

Cool. Yeh I've noticed. Can't help thinking we should.....get a room!

Maybe a Bristol spinners association?! Hehehe its just that it sound so cool!

Caz x


61 posts
Location: bristol,uk

i think we could rule the world personally first we all have to get together and meet each other dammit! theres so many of us out there!

must fix poi's before we do....damn drunk people broke em...

Never doubt that a small group of crusties, activists, and politicos can change the world... in fact, it's the only thing that ever does ;-)

King Of Bongoaddict
522 posts
Location: Berlin

-what are we going to do tonight brain?

-what we do every night pinkie... try to take over the world!!!

Your life is ending one minute at a time...
So live it.

caz86Twister Fire Starter ridin on a tratter
156 posts
Location: Bristol/Exeter UK

I wonder why theres so many more poiiers in Bristol than in other places. Hmmmmmm


607 posts
Location: London/Bristol, United Kingdom

I'm not sure there's more poiiers (and staffers let not decriminate) in bristol but we're just better at tell the world that we're here. In fact as we'll be ruling the world soon i propose the frist thing we do is set a new GCSE called Bristol spinners where everone is forced (i mean has the honner) to learn all about the bristol spinners. what do you think fellow so to be world rulers?

Maybe I should change this too something abit nicer, humm no I still think your all Ccensoredt

caz86Twister Fire Starter ridin on a tratter
156 posts
Location: Bristol/Exeter UK

I think making poi/staff an obligitory subject at school is the first move. It could replace one of those crappy P.E!

And next we create a fire day. A public holiday where everyone spins!

thats my contribution!

Caz x


61 posts
Location: bristol,uk

(quick practise of ruler of the world laugh..sorry...cant help it..)

i think there are more spinners in bristol because this city has a decent rave scene for it's size, and alota ravers spin.and there's lots of creativity here, .... and 2 uni's. and yes we are very good at letting each other know we exist and very good and ruling the events section, but to be brutaly honest, we are shite at meeting up. well..i am...

Never doubt that a small group of crusties, activists, and politicos can change the world... in fact, it's the only thing that ever does ;-)

Matthew B-MLemon-Aware Devilstick-wielding Operative
605 posts
Location: East London Wilds

Of course the actual reason that it looks like you're taking over is that in the other places the people who post here understand how to use the search button.

Luv 'n' Lemons
purity :: clarity :: balance

caz86Twister Fire Starter ridin on a tratter
156 posts
Location: Bristol/Exeter UK

Hmmmm? Je ne comprends pas!


61 posts
Location: bristol,uk

no i dont understand either. sorry. i did waste almost 5 minutes trying to tho! (*whisper* oi mathew....we're not really taking over the world ;-))

ok i just got it...u have a point. there are indeed about 3 threads for bristol meets on the events section. owwww forgive us....
x x

Never doubt that a small group of crusties, activists, and politicos can change the world... in fact, it's the only thing that ever does ;-)

borismcnorrisprofessional pedant
137 posts
Location: Bristol

mmmm. spinny spinny.
sounds good. when are you meeting? can i come? pleeeaase. pretty please. I don't know any other spinners and i need some inspiration!

i'll bring some tinnies
and a dust binny
dressed in a pinny
looking kinda skinny

A warrior always returns to the fray. He never does so out of stubbornness, but because he has noticed a change in the weather - Paulo Coelho

caz86Twister Fire Starter ridin on a tratter
156 posts
Location: Bristol/Exeter UK

Yeh sure! Come along! We just dont know when yet! Lol.

I only know one other spinner anyway. Have any of you guys got MSN messenger?


caz86Twister Fire Starter ridin on a tratter
156 posts
Location: Bristol/Exeter UK

U think Malcolm would give us our own little corner on the site? Like a discussion board for west-country folk?


caz86Twister Fire Starter ridin on a tratter
156 posts
Location: Bristol/Exeter UK

Does anyone know where you can buy LED sticks in Bristol?


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