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CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

There is a French writer called Marcel Proust (I highly recommend you reading his book, but only if you have a LOT of free time !!!!!!!)Anyway. So Mr Proust is also famous in France for this questionnaire.Fill it on- or off line if you wish and keep it somewhere. Then look at it in a few months / years ... it is fun like taking a snap shot of you and watching it a few years later...So here I go... and again sorry for the translation !Shine onCassandra1. what are the main aspects of my personnality ? emotional2. The quality I expect in a man ? fair, good-hearted3. The quality i expect in a woman ? fair, good-hearted4. What I like most about my friends faithfull and never judge5. My main default paranoid and moody6. Favourites occupations Firedancing, traveling7. My idea of Happiness loving and being loved in return8. What would be the most painful thing for me Death of someone I love9. What do I want to be me, or Britney Spears, please wink10. The country where i want to live Wherever I feel at home11. Favourite colour Orange12. Favourite flower Sunflower13. Favourite bird Eagle14. Favourite prose authors Beckett, Brecht, Barjavel, St Exupéry, S. Zweig15. Favourite poets Baudelaire, P. Handke, Cioran16. Favourite fiction heroes Harry Potter, Lola (Run, lola run), Red Beard (Kurosawa film), Hermione (theater).17. Favourite composer Wow... too many...too different...18.Favourite painters Münch, Goya, Bacon19. My heroee in real life / History All the anonymous ones20. What I hate above all Humiliations21. Most respected law / Amendment Separation of church and state and abolition of death penalty.22. Gift of nature I'd like to have Singing23. How would I like to die In my sleep24. Current state of mind Sick (caught a nasty cold) but happy

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

APB... you little Casanova, you winkshine onCassandra

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

4 posts
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

1. what are the main aspects of my personnality ?creative, compassionate emotional2. The quality I expect in a man ?honesty3. The quality i expect in a woman ?loyalty, friendly4. What I like most about my friendsthey let me be me without any judgement5. My main defaultbeing mean sometimes and not realising it6. Favourites occupationsfashion designer, fire spinning7. My idea of Happinessbeing with my friends8. What would be the most painful thing for melosing people very close to me9. What do I want to befashion designer, rave organisery person10. The country where i want to livefrance11. Favourite colourblack, hot pink12. Favourite flowerdaisy13. Favourite birdwax eyes, cos they're just so cute14. Favourite prose authorsi guess jk rowling and kate de goldi15. Favourite poetsmy friend pia smile16. Favourite fiction heroesharry potter! mercutio (from romeo and juliet)17. Favourite composermozart18.Favourite paintersmonet19. My heroee in real life / Historymy best friend sarah20. What I hate above allpeople that "follow the crowd" sheep i guess....just anyone that tries to be something they're not to fit in21. Most respected law / Amendment..22. Gift of nature I'd like to haveability to sing well23. How would I like to diein my sleep i would be the least painful anyway24. Current state of mindsad, i just broke up with my bf frown

and those that were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music

51 posts
Location: Troy, NY for school (Austin, Texas for life)

1. what are the main aspects of my personnality ?Sarcastic, remoresful, sensitive, intraspectiveness...2. The quality I expect in a man ?concerned3. The quality i expect in a woman ?encouraging4. What I like most about my friendsexcept me when I change, support me when I don't, they know life goes on, childlike5. My main defaulttoo sarcastic/cynical6. Favourites occupationsstudent?, playing7. My idea of Happinessday at a park or a beach, with friends, just sitting and talking, thinking, making strangers smile smile8. What would be the most painful thing for meknowing what people thought of me9. What do I want to bea person you can always talk to10. The country where i want to livepuerto rico/china (My dad is puerto rican and I like everything hispanic, I like chinese language/culture trying to learn chinese...very hard...very fun)11. Favourite colourdark dark navy blue12. Favourite flowertulip?13. Favourite birdhummingbird14. Favourite prose authorsRobert Jordan, Orwell, Bradburry, Rowling, Saint-Exupery 15. Favourite poetsPlath, my friends, me16. Favourite fiction heroesMattrim/Perrin(Wheel of Time), Indiana Jones, Genji wink j/k, Edmund (narnia), Monkey (chinese monkey king with cool staff...), Wolverine, Cutter (wolfriders), the guy with silver hair in the Recluse series by Modesitt forgot his name...17. Favourite composerWagner, Verdi, Puchini (opera... Flying Dutchman, Falstaff, La Boeme)18.Favourite paintersPicaso, Monet, Van Go..., Dali, Escher19. My hero in real life / HistoryJane Goodall, Leakey, Tsar Nicholas II (read Nicholas and Alexandera , very good book)20. What I hate above allSaying/Doing something you regret21. Most respected law / AmendmentGolden rule?22. Gift of nature I'd like to havefire!!Gooooo Planet!23. How would I like to diehappy24. Current state of mindthoughtful...Avoid making financial ventures today. An inner office affair will cause turmoil, with patience and reason you will find a fitting solution.-----"I don't wanna grow up"-Toys "R" Us

750 posts
Location: Adelaide, SA, Australia

22. Gift of nature I'd like to havefire!!Gooooo Planet
tallicaburton - are you saying you would like to be Wheeler from Captain Planet?? wink

Courage is the man who can stop after only one peanut

750 posts
Location: Adelaide, SA, Australia


Courage is the man who can stop after only one peanut

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

1. what are the main aspects of my personnality ?Honestly I am quick to anger slow to listen I fight for what I believe in and I am sincer in all I do.2. The quality I expect in a man ?Guys should be strongminded but able bend at will polite when needs be but have no quarrel about getting in someones face.3. The quality i expect in a woman ?A woman should be and act as a woman I am not saying they all have to play with barbie but I'd rather not have a woman on my arm that spits on the sidewalk4. What I like most about my friendsthey got my back no matter if I am right or wrong5. My main defaultshort fuse6. Favourites occupationsdoing what I do now play with guns hehe7. My idea of Happinessfeeling accepted dispite all my faults8. What would be the most painful thing for menot feeling alive9. What do I want to beme 10. The country where i want to livenever been to russia wouldnt mind living there for a time11. Favourite colourgreen just about any shade12. Favourite flowerrose gotta be the rose13. Favourite birdpheonix weather or not it is mythical14. Favourite prose authorsTolken and CS Lewis15. Favourite poetsPoe16. Favourite fiction heroesRouge she is just umm damn17. Favourite composerJohn Philips Susa18.Favourite paintersI favor myself though I have not painted in years19. My heroee in real life / Historythere are no heroes we have all done great things in our lives just some people are rememberd more than others20. What I hate above allDishonor twords ones own country21. Most respected law / Amendmentright to bare arms22. Gift of nature I'd like to haveNature is just like me one of God's creations it has nothing I want23. How would I like to dieWith honor and friends around me to see me off twords heaven24. Current state of mindrelaxed

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

10 posts
Location: Lismore/Bribie, Australia

1. what are the main aspects of my personnality ?not caring what others think of me, uniqueness, refusal to conform.2. The quality I expect in a man ?honesty, respect, faith.3. The quality i expect in a woman ?respect, understanding, compassion.4. What I like most about my friendsthey accept me for who I am.5. My main defaultmoodiness6. Favourites occupationsartist, teacher, art teacher.7. My idea of Happinessbeing able to smile at all the bad aspects of life, and realising that they just dont compare to the good.8. What would be the most painful thing for melosing someone dear9. What do I want to beme10. The country where i want to liveMexico or Prague11. Favourite colourhot pink12. Favourite flowerstar jasmine13. Favourite birdsparrow14. Favourite prose authorsEugenides, Love15. Favourite poetsWright, Friend.16. Favourite fiction heroesCaptain Marvel17. Favourite composercouldnt narrow it down18.Favourite paintersAnne Wallace, Ian Friend.19. My heroe in real life / HistoryCourtney Love20. What I hate above allthose who judge and those who think they are better than others.21. Most respected law / Amendmentdunno....22. Gift of nature I'd like to havefreedom to grow without interruption23. How would I like to diehappy24. Current state of mindestatic - - *dance under the moon...the type of dancing that you feel when every faerietale dream comes real.....angel dust gets in your eyes.....your hair on acid're getting there* - -

235 posts
Location: Calgary alberta Canada

1. what are the main aspects of my personnality ?I'D consider myself a fun person, easy going but someone not afriad to deal with situations that miff me off smile2. The quality I expect in a man ?in men is general id say the ability to understand the word "no"in a bf/husband. someone who would be faithful and true. I have no patience for cheating frown it doesnt feel nice3. The quality i expect in a woman ?non judgemental, i have a hard time witht his one as most girls dont get along with me for some eason or another... (i blame it on the fire because i get along with other girls who spin fire)4. What I like most about my friendsUnderstanding, relaxing to be with. the fact that wehn i go out with them i dont have to wrry about them doing something stupid and me having to deal with it.i have to do that at work tooo much.5. My main defaulti suffer from seasonal depresion and since its winter im ususally feeling pretty loney and grey..6. Favourites occupationsfiremen are pretty like to work as a concert promoter/music video producer.. thats the dream7. My idea of Happinessand space of content ment in which any sort of conflict thorown in your direction can be dealt with in a positive and healthy manner.8. What would be the most painful thing for mehaving my mom and dad and sister die.9. What do I want to bethe most healthy and happy, nice and "groovy" person to people10. The country where i want to liveCanada. maybe id try new zealand or austrailia for awhile just because im obsessed.11. Favourite colourgreen and brown and orange (not together)12. Favourite flowersnap dragon the big orange kind13. Favourite birdlove birds are pretty14. Favourite prose authorsim not sure. to many to list15. Favourite poetsshakespere16. Favourite fiction heroesFrodo Baggins, 17. Favourite composerim not sure18.Favourite paintersWaterhouse, Blake, etc.19. My heroee in real life / Historyim not sure.20. What I hate above allPeople/groups that refuse to learn or take into account other peoples/groups point of veiws i guess all in all ignorance.21. Most respected law / AmendmentFreedon of speech22. Gift of nature I'd like to havethe ability to heal things23. How would I like to diealseep in my bed next to my future husband when im 165 years old24. Current state of mindim at a learning/discovery space right now.attempting to survive the nasty winter..

Teach tolerance, not competition.
Send food, not bombs.

SickpuPpyNinja Rockstar!
1,100 posts
Location: Denver, Co. U.S.A.

1. what are the main aspects of my personnality ?Crass, but loving. Seaking adventure constantly. Ubsurdly independant.2. The quality I expect in a man ?A trust worthy drinking buddy.3. The quality i expect in a woman ?I have an eight page list of what I look for in a girl. But mostly I look for punk rock grrls who drink Jim Beam straight, who are highly intelligent, open minded, adventurous, trustworthy to a fault, and strong willed.4. What I like most about my friendsThat I can trust them with my life, my guitar and my car, and that they are usually down for an adventure.5. My main faultI have a very crass sense of humor that often get taken the wrong way. And I have a horrible habit of sleeping with a girl and then having absolutly no urge to talk to her ever again (I don't mean to, maybe it's something chemical)6. Favourites occupationsWriter, musician, famous junkie, and occupations that have names that sound dirty or impressive, but aren't.7. My idea of HappinessBeing either independantly wealthy, or gainfully unemployed. Thus leaving me free to roam about the country writing books upon books not caring if any one ever reads them or not.8. What would be the most painful thing for mePassing a kidney stone9. What do I want to beIndependantly wealthy or gainfully unemployed.10. The country where i want to liveHere, or Boscastle, Uk11. Favourite colourBlack12. Favourite flowerdried roses13. Favourite birdPidgeons, cuz they walk cool14. Favourite prose authorsNever did understand the line between poetry and prose15. Favourite poetsShakseare, The Beat poets who are too numerous to name, Shel Silverstine, and the girl who wrote the Creepy Suzie book.16. Favourite fiction heroesSnoopy, Stan (South Park), Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the chick who plays Faith.17. Favourite composerTori Amos, C even Key, Danny Elfman.18.Favourite paintersMy friend Kate, and the guy who managed to get a flat black canvas put on display in the Tate gallery.19. My heroee in real life / HistoryI don't belive in hero's but if I have to pick..... Jack Kerouac, and Willam S. Burroughs.20. What I hate above allDishonest people, and Belly button lint (what the F*ck is that about)!?21. Most respected law / AmendmentThe right to legal abortion22. Gift of nature I'd like to haveInheirant Kung-fu ability23. How would I like to dieSuddenly, tragicly, horribly random and ironic, in a way that makes the headlines for a year, and while having sex with Jessica Alba (from Dark Angel, and Idle Hands) and drinking a bombay sapphire martini24. Current state of mindHappy and hopeful, and one question #7 away from total happiness.------------------If you love something, set it on fire.[This message has been edited by SickpuPpy (edited 26 January 2002).]

Jesus helps me trick people.

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

Non-Https Image Link

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

DomBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,009 posts
Location: Bristol, UK

bored dear?

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

eeerr... does it show ? wink Actualy so stressed and soooo much work to do that I take my "sanity breaks" as I call them on HoP trying to ? bored ?cause if you're bored, you know you can always reply to my last email winkshine onCassandra

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

45 posts
Location: USA

1. what are the main aspects of my personnality ?Hmmm, tough one(and its the first) Cute, cuddly garfield2. The quality I expect in a man ?Kindness, Honor, (tact)3. The quality i expect in a woman ?Love, Passion, High self esteem4. What I like most about my friendsTheir diversity5. My main defaultLack of self esteem6. Favourites occupations3d graphics, and directing (saying preforming is not nessisary as I love HoP)7. My idea of HappinessMaking other people happy8. What would be the most painful thing for meLosing someone I love9. What do I want to beFamous10. The country where i want to liveMars11. Favourite colourBlue, or Red12. Favourite flowerRose13. Favourite birdEagle14. Favourite prose authorsJ R R Tolkien, Robert Jordan, Roger Zelazny, and Terry Goodkind15. Favourite poetsEdgar Allen Poe, Shell Silverstien, Dr. Suess16. Favourite fiction heroesGandalf (LotR), Richard (SoT), Drizzt (DET), Corwin (Amber), and on and on and on17. Favourite composerBach18.Favourite paintersS. Dahli19. My heroee in real life / HistoryDunno20. What I hate above allHippocrites21. Most respected law / AmendmentThou Shalt Not Kill22. Gift of nature I'd like to haveNatures Beauty23. How would I like to dieDIE??!??! When where? Ummmm... Quietly in bed I think.24. Current state of mindBummed about my broken leg

Give Me FuelGive Me FireGive Me That Which I Desire-MetallicA

RoziSILVER Member
100 characters max...
2,996 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

1. what are the main aspects of my personnality ?Going through changes at the moment. It was reasonable, kind, generous, compassionate, & intelligent. Now it is just grumpy.2. The quality I expect in a man ?Gentleness, humour, honesty.3. The quality i expect in a woman ?Honesty, strength (oddly I expect a lot more strength from my women friends than the men in my life)4. What I like most about my friendsThey don't put up with s*&%t from me. 5. My main defaultI can be bossy if I am allowed, & when I am angry at myself I get grouchy.6. Favourites occupationsDirector, trainer, journalist, counsellor.7. My idea of HappinessLife drawing classes, followed by a long snooze in the arms of someone sweet.8. What would be the most painful thing for meCausing pain to my family & friends.9. What do I want to beSane. Happy.10. The country where i want to liveAustralia ain't too bad (my citizenship application has just been accepted!!!) but things would be amazing in East Timor right now.11. Favourite colourDark green & sea green12. Favourite flowerJasmine blossom & roses13. Favourite birdThe swallow14. Favourite prose authorsOndaatje, Hemingway (sometimes), Atwood. 15. Favourite poetsOndaatje again, Heaney,16. Favourite fiction heroesPenfold, Thundercats, 17. Favourite composerDon't have one18.Favourite paintersRobinson, or was it Robson? Did these massive Tryptichs of landscapes & jungles from every angle at once, beautiful. Klimt (also possibly misspelt) 19. My heroee in real life / HistoryDon't really have any... A woman without heroes.20. What I hate above allStanding still, & people who stand by and do nothing.21. Most respected law / AmendmentThe amendments to legislation that gave women the right to vote22. Gift of nature I'd like to haveThe breeze on a clear, cool day and the rain when I am warm inside.23. How would I like to dieNot alone, and peacefully24. Current state of mindConfused. Erratic.

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Whilst going through the documents folder on my PC a little while ago, I happened across my answers to this. Dutifully saved away like the nice french lady told me to do...So I thought i'd bump the thread so other people can have a play too...

My how things have changed since then....



FlyntSILVER Member
Intrepid Penguin
5,635 posts
Location: Australia

Well bumped Cantus! I wish I'd done this back in 2001... Oh well!!

here are my answers today:

1. what are the main aspects of my personnality ?
curiousity, steadfastness, acceptance and adaptability.
2. The quality I expect in a man ?
Honesty, passion for life, intelligence
3. The quality I expect in a woman ?
As above.
4. What I like most about my friends
Their integrity, warm and welcoming hearts.
5. My main default
being critical of myself, and lazyness!
6. Favourite occupations
Writer, wing maker!
7. My idea of Happiness
Travelling the world, someone beloved by myside, writing for a living.
8. What would be the most painful thing for me
loss of a family member or close friend frown
9. What do I want to be
a writer!
10. The country where I want to live
Australia, as a home base
11. Favourite colour
12. Favourite flower
Sweet Peas
13. Favourite bird
14. Favourite prose authors
mmm not sure.
15. Favourite poets
Martin Challis.
16. Favourite fiction heroes
17. Favourite composer
18.Favourite painters
Joe Soren.
19. My heroee in real life / History
My sister Kath.
20. What I hate above all
Racism, abuse.
21. Most respected law / Amendment
do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.
22. Gift of nature I'd like to have
ummm wings? tehehe. a nice tree to live in?
23. How would I like to die
I dont really plan to die. I'm working on disproving death.
24. Current state of mind
anticipation... smile

Currently on the right side up of the world.

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

I like SickPuppy's answers best ubblol


mausBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
4,191 posts
Location: Sihanoukville, cambodia

1. what are the main aspects of my personnality ?
Independent, wreckless when "under the influence", fun, silly, occasionally crass, probably far too trusting for my own good.

2. The quality I expect in a man ?
I don't expect anything, I like someone who can party as hard as i can, but can still keep a grip on responsibilities and reality. Work hard, play harder. And someone who laughs at my smutty jokes.

3. The quality i expect in a woman ?
As above, also trustworthy, honest, and to be there with a tub of Ben & Jerrys when things go wrong.

4. What I like most about my friends
That i can happily spend hour upon hour of my life staying up all night talking rubbish with them, they make me tea when i need it, and the really really good friends know I'm not as tough as i probably make out to be, but still love me anyway. smile

5. My main fault
Too smutty/perverted probably...

6. Favourites occupations
Er...any that i havn't already done.
I'd quite like to own a ranch and chew straw and drink jack all day whilst weilding lassoes(sp?) and sit on a porch in a rocking chair holding a shot gun singing folk songs to myself.

7. My idea of Happiness
Being able to spend most of my time with all of the people i love n one place...but that'd be more than happiness, that would be bliss! ubblove

8. What would be the most painful thing for me
emotional or physical?? Well I've passed a kidney stone and broken my nose more than once..that was all pretty painful.
Emotionally, losing any of my friends/family/loved ones in general.

9. What do I want to be

10. The country where i want to live
Right where i am thankyou! biggrin
(maybe somewhere hot in the winter months though! wink?

11. Favourite colour

12. Favourite flower

13. Favourite bird
Dodododododododo's...cos they is odd.

14. Favourite prose authors
Not hugely fussed to be honest but if i had to choose i guess Lexi Bridges

15. Favourite poets
Bill Bailey! wink

16. Favourite fiction heroes
Alvin and the chipmunks...doo,do,doo,do,doo,do

17. Favourite composer
John Chowning

18.Favourite painters
Dali, Escher, Geiger, My mate Nils

19. My heroee in real life / History
Most people...

20. What I hate above all
People pushing their feet into the back of my seat on a bus. Finding out people i care about have lied to me....naughty wee minkies you! ubbloco

21. Most respected law / Amendment
People on the sex offenders register not being allowed to work with or around children.

22. Gift of nature I'd like to have
To grow peaches in the palm of my hand at the drop of a hat.
Peach anyone? biggrin

23. How would I like to die
Not something i really want to waste time thinking about, would rather spend my energy on working oyt how i want to live.

24. Current state of mind
Irritable....but only cos its hot and I'm stuck at work, other than that I'm pretty dang funky! biggrin


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