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4,308 posts
Location: York, England

I have to start by saying i almost like the image of the note on the wall for this one...

nehow, i was at another discussion board, and this one post was tripping all over the right to live/ right to die/ what is teh point of life nehow thing... I've been thinking a lot anyhow. Just about stuff. But is it kind of interesting. Lets say for the moment that you have no religious reasons for life to have meaning.... then does it? I mean, i love life, i love people, i love all sort sof things. But is there any actual point to it? I don't care if there's not, it just seems to me.... that there isn't.

And then there was this other whole thought, on how people shouldn't be allowed to commit suicide b/c of teh pain they bring to others... IMO, that's a little weird.. I mean, obviously there was some problem... I dunno... I'm not sure where i'm going with this... so i'll add more later... but let me know ur thoughts eh?

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

RoziSILVER Member
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2,996 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Its a difficult one. I think back over some of my past actions, and the pains they have caused to others, and am quite tough on myself about it. I have vowed not to go there again.

But at the same time, I feel constrained. As though I am not allowed to scream out because of the pain I cause, the burden I become. And surely that isn't right.

It is difficult to know at what point your responsibility not to hurt others overrides your need to feel down/depressed and state it.

Suicide is more extreme than this. But based in the same idea. If the only thing that is preventing you is not hurting others, well, it is good cos it stops you, but...

It binds you to a life you don't want to lead, for the sake of people you will begin to resent. And that will stop you from trying to find any solution. So if you don't find another reason to go on living, you will reach that crisis point again and again.

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

4,308 posts
Location: York, England

Interesting point....


I'll get back to you about that, 'k?

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

Meaning of Life: FOURTY TWO!!

Meaning of Death: FOURTY TWO!!!

(long live Douglas Adams)

master sodiummember
536 posts
Location: carson city, nevada

the only point to life is death

the only point to death is life

you can't have a war against terrorism because war IS's not about worshipping fire. its about making the fire want to worship you.

arsnHow do you change this thing???
1,903 posts
Location: Behind the couch...

Every rose has it's thorn... - Bill and Ted...

I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.

"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men

14 posts
Location: Deserted Shed

Life is what you make it, Live as though you are in control, Die when you have made it yours.

Never surrender to fears. Never focus on what you dont want in life. Live in the moment and enjoy whats there for you.

as for the point? None. I'm not here for the point.

I am the Eternal Spectator. I decide what i watch.

ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

I beleive that we all choose our life paths before we come back to the physical plane... we are all bodies carrying around the life spark and essence of spirit.. and I believe that we are here for a pre ordained reason.. that we just need to find out what that reason is through our life experiences and lessons, and then live how we feel. Death is not an ending but mearly a completion of our lessons and a returning to the universal energy. Is is the start of a new cycle of growth...just without the phyiscal body I think that a person who is in pain has the choice to either learn from it and become a stronger person or to run from it and just come back to the physical plane to learn it all over again anyway. The right to live or die lies within the spirit making that choice and it is hard not to judge that, but it is the choice of the spirit that is experiencing their life... I would stand by anyone no matter what choice they made because that is soul growth and really at the end of the day who am I to stand in questioning of that? I would just send love and light to the situaton...

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

arsnHow do you change this thing???
1,903 posts
Location: Behind the couch...

The body is but a vessel for the soul,
A puppet for the tyranny of mankind,
And lo the body is not eternal,
For it must return to the ground in wince it came,
However must the soul,

Deceive, despire and Murder men...

[ 07 May 2002, 22:25: Message edited by: Arsn ]

I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.

"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men

DomBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,009 posts
Location: Bristol, UK

Suicide is a massive issue and I think blanket statements cannot really cover it. I can understand the decision behind it sometimes, but think it's rarely 'justified', although that probably really isn't the best word to use.

I have no religious reason for life. My 'meaning of life' is something I've worked out myself. It's to have a good time, be happy, try to make other people happy, be wise, make the most of limited time, do some good and leave good thoughts and a couple of children behind to continue the work. Simple, but I reckon it's a pretty good goal!

184 posts
Location: London

Suicide and depression... never having experienced either, except through the suffering of siblings and friends, I am devoutly thankful that I have never experienced the depths of despair that takes a person to the point of ending their life.

In the old days it was actually illegal to commit suicide. If you committed suicide and succeeded you weren't able to be buried in a consecrated graveyard, and if you failed (ie, were still alive) then you could be put in jail! or more likely incarcerated in a mental institution. The theory was that having been given life by God you had a positive duty to live that life, no matter how miserable it was and how much you hated it.

I do feel that as much as possible should be done to prevent suicide and minimise the likelihood of it being carried out. The reason is that for by far the majority of people who feel depressed or suicidal it is a temporary or intermittent problem (in that it last for a matter of years rather than for a person's entire life) and because there are things that can be done to help someone who is suffering depression to work their way out of it - ranging from 'getting religion' to counselling to drugs.

Last but not least, although people who are suffering depression don't realise it (a sense of worthlessness being a major symptom), they do offer a lot for the rest of society and the community in all areas of life.

14 posts
Location: Deserted Shed

Damn thats deep.

heres my motto: "No matter how bad it is, or how bad it gets, I'm going to make it!" - Les Brown

Although i do take the stance of if you got the balls to pull the trigger, you got the balls to face life. (not the most positive statement, but its how i feel)

just suck it up and get over your problems. No matter how big your problem(s) are, i'm pretty sure theres somebody out there who has OVERCOME much greater challenges. (i'm a choleric if nobody has figured that out yet) I dont feel like listening to peoples problems, and they usually dont like my advice, so the feelings mutual.

Change. You have five minutes.

I am the Eternal Spectator. I decide what i watch.

382 posts
Location: Southampton

Quite odd to see this thread after the bad news I just recently received. I found out that my cousin in New Zealand committed suicude yesterday after her relationship with her partner ended after many years. Everyone is upset and some even question how she could do that to herself, her mother, etc. but it is just not that black and white.
When you are engulfed with sadness and see no further purpose in life you act and think alone, it is such a traumatising time for suicidal people that consideration for their family is not their priority; they themselves are choking with pain and suffering.
I beleive that suicide is a tragedy and a waste of a life but I can also appreciate that as humans our emotions can push us anywhere and into doing anything. This is how I'm justifying and dealing with the grief anyway.

If you ask me about life and death, I'll always give my theory.
When you consider a fish in a pond, it operates and understands its world, it evolves, feeds, it lives. But how easy would it be to teach the fish about our world? Absolutely impossible, it simply doesn't have the mental capacity to even start.
So next time you're confused about the meaning of life and what happens afterwards just think about the fact that you are just a fish too in a bowl. We are all just part of a bigger picture. So relax in your ignorance, it's OK, and live your life by your own standards, wherever they come from and just live.

The past is all gone and the future is a mystery.
Right now is a gift, that's why we call it the present.

A conspiracy of silence speaks louder than words...

arsnHow do you change this thing???
1,903 posts
Location: Behind the couch...

I was suicidal about six months ago... I have to say that I'm not compelty over it... I say tha I am, but deep down I miss the things I had, I lost my girlfriend, my job and even my family... I couldn't handle the things around me, the fact I would see people hugging, kissing and just showing love for each other. I thought I had that, the feeling are still there for christ sake, but I know that I can't go back, and this is the reason I walked form brisbane to Melbourne. I tried to do so many stupid things... cut myself, pills... drive my car at overly stupid speeds... and each time I hated myself more and more... I couldn't even finish it myself, what good was I...

Each day I became lower and lower into my hell of life... the people I would call friends, I began to push away. I lost so many things that I loved. I was dull, and empty... I had nothing to offer to anyone, so I thought.

My ex-girlfriend began to fuck with my head because I was so open... she began to just come over just to sleep with me, and I was too blind to see things happening in ways that would just fall... and fall they did... again she told me she didn't want to see me.

I left where I was staying... and went for a walk to cool off after she told me this... so I ended up at our local power station... I thought If I was going to go... I'd piss somepeople off in the mean time...

But I couldn't do it... I couldn't bring myself to end it like that. There was something else for me, I don't know what it was... call it an angle... fate... destiny... but I had to return... return to the rest of the world... I had to get out of there and get rid of the bad memories... so I packed my bag and started walking... and now I'm here... and I have friends... my aunt and her family, a roof and most of all I can get a hug anytime I need one...

It may sound wierd, but that may have been just what I really needed... a bit of love...

This may not always be the case for everyone but sometimes... it works...

I don't really know why I told you all this and if your reading this then I guess that I did press post... just don't think any less of me... please... I just think there are people there that do care... thanks to all of you...

[ 08 May 2002, 00:35: Message edited by: Arsn ]

I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.

"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men

GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

**hugs** and a bit of love sent to you from london.

respect to you for surviving,
I think much more of you for what you've posted.

In this world there are a lot of people who do care, I've recenty found quite a few of them in the middle of a pair of poi.

Depression is a bit of a bitch, hey.

take care and enjoy the good bits
in case of emergency....

arsnHow do you change this thing???
1,903 posts
Location: Behind the couch...

Thanks Glass... your the type of person I was talking about... one of the people who care...

I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.

"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men

339 posts
Location: Central coast / Sydney, Australia

suicide is a very touchy subject for alot of people i know, and for myself. I feel that i can give some valuable advice....

i know the pain of wanting to end life, and i know the pain of havng someone close wanting to end their life, and i have seen what can happen to people whos loved ones have taken their lives..

Its not the big things in life that are most important. School, career, family, relationships, they all matter, but because of the ammount they take out of us, it is so easy for things to go wrong.

Live for the little things that you love. The sound of a trickling stream, a birds call, the happy look on a loved ones face. these are the things that matter most of all, and these are the things we should be living for, becuse in the midst of things, these are the things that make us happiest. They just tend to get drowned out by the bg picture.

The most important thing to remember if you are ever lost in the dark maze of depression, is to ALWAYS have something to look forward to, whether it be a big event, a life goal, or even a tv show you want to see...

these are the things we should be living for, and they are everwhere, offering an inspiration to live!! look for the little things, because often, they are the most beautiful and rewarding.
Tke care and love to you all!!!!!

Fire... A bushmans telly

339 posts
Location: Central coast / Sydney, Australia

so to me, the meaning of life is simple...
A trickling stream, a birds call, a gentle breeze through the trees, light rain on a tin roof, a pair of beautiful flaming poi. we have it all,you just have to know where to look.

Fire... A bushmans telly

214 posts
Location: Melbourne Australia

Learn more stuff, I dont think I want to, it's a hassle, all these lessons, purpose and
reincarnation, - which type?

Reality based on perception then I think subjective or objective, ah i over analyse.
Belief in something may give it power to be true to you?
Nah stick to fate and destiny, there much easier.

Trying to play the Akashic records,
but my turntables not compatible.

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

ARsn, beautiful soul, here are a few million hugs and smiles to you
First of all thank you for sharing with such an open heart, really !
I don't know you, and I won't patronize you about anything, but honestly, even through those sad lines I could feel a real hunger for life.
I hope you get all the love you deserve and even more I hope we all do, as corny as it may sound

About suicide... I have two different opinions :

a) it is often out of weaknes that people give up on depressed friends. depression can happen to anyone, but someone suffering from depression will actually sink if noone around is there to give them the double proof of love : a hug and a kick in the ass... I don't mean a kick in the ass = telling them they don't actually have a problem, rather showing them the good things that are there too... I am thankfull to my best friend quasi brother fabian for doing so for me at darker times...

b) I think it is awfully selfish to be mad at someone for dying / commiting suicide... it is an assumption that anyone owes you anything. Mind you, i've felt so amazingly furious and pissed at a very close friend when he decided to leave us, but then again, he did not owe me or anyone anything. "how could he do this to me" ? what a weird question... human but weird. Sometimes, when the person has a child I totally understand that one could think the person was selfish ... but I think uicide (not as a form of cry for help, but a fatal final decision) is way beyond those considerations... Suicide happens when all "social links" are cut through the pain of the person... I don't really know if I make sense though ? I don't think that is very PC and I am not quite sure I agree with myself 100% but I still think part of what I just wrote is true... IMO...
and one last thing I am really for Euthanasia, as a form of therapeutical suicide. I watched the news the other day about that (english ?) woman who went to the european court of justice to have the permission for her husband to help her die. She was denied that right and I cried for many long minutes... Her death for me would not mean life is pointless, it would just allow her to end her meningfull life in a meaningfull way...

anyway ... just sharing my thoughts...

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Its a beautiful thing that you can share yourself so openly with us all and I believe that everyone here respects you for that more and more...
Its through the hardest times we finally begin to know our selves and the landscapes of our minds, you have something to be amazingly proud of , you walked away from the situation and now have something to share with other people that will help them through their times also... You are an extremley strong and willfull person..thank you for sharing.

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

RoziSILVER Member
100 characters max...
2,996 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Hi Arsn,

Thank you for being so open. I know that depression is the biggest block on your mind. It is such a big thought that it tends to block out all other things, friends, family etc. The toughest thing in the world is breaking beyond that thought, and I have immense respect for people who have done it.

Quite often we blame depression on an event, someone's death, the end of a relationship etc. What is more difficult to understand is when depression just happens. In fact depression, and the resulting behaviour, can be the cause of some of the events, like a break up with a partner. The toughest mental problem you will ever have in your life is to analyse whether you are depressed because of events, or if you are just depressed. And if there is no visible cause, people tend to believe that you do not, or should not, have a problem. Sometimes you even believe this yourself.

If it is event based, it you need to find other reasons to go on living. If it is more, then you will need more help. Either way, you need to find help in doing this, because it is a heavy burden to carry alone.


It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

4,308 posts
Location: York, England

Interesting thoughts.

*go check ur email arsn, you'll have one shortly*

I dunno. It is an odd thing.... I always wish i could say a little more to people... sometimes it does take more for people to live than to die... sometimes it's just weird... I mean, i have friends that reguarly want to kill themselves, and they know better, and so they are fine, but...

you think it's always going to be under control until it isn't.

how far is it from Brisbane to Melbourne?

I still have to think about my responses.

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

arsnHow do you change this thing???
1,903 posts
Location: Behind the couch...

Thank you... ( it's been five minutes since I typed thank you... I guess those two words sum it all up... )...

I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.

"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men

KaliBRONZE Member
577 posts
Location: Berlin, Germany

Wow, this is a really deep discussion that really got me thinking on a lot of things. First of all, Arsn I think your incredibly courageous to open yourself up so boldly and share such deep emotion with everyone. The world is lucky it didn't lose a soul as beautiful and genuine as yours.

Depression is a terrible, wretched thing that I don't wish on anyone. I think in general it is taken way too lighty and as a result people that need help are brushed aside as being melodramatic. It is a sign of deep, internal suffering that stems from a combination of things. i don't know how it is in the rest of the world, but here in the US, there seems to be a certain overmedication of society where people are given all these drugs because its a faster, simpler solution than dealing with the underlying issues.

People these days have gotten really disconnected and estranged from each other. There's also a lot of problems with the world. To make a long story short, I think people that are really intelligent and sensitive wind up getting depressed if they don't have a good support system - socially, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually- because they're more aware of all the problems and more open to being affected by them. That's my theory anyways.

As far as suicide goes, I can understand it in some ways, and really think its a tragedy in others. For example, I lived with my 86 year old grandfather for about 9 months after my grandmother died and became an even stronger supporter of euthanasia after that experience. It was really hard (especially because I was already depressed at the time) seeing my grandfather get up everyday, hoping he wouldn't the next. In some ways I really wanted him to die because I could see how he was suffering in so many ways and how my family wasn't helping. He really wanted to die in his own home, too, and my staying there helped to keep him out of an old age home for a little while at least. It was very weird being young and starting out on my life, living with someone winding down on theirs. I would come home simultaneously hoping and dreading that he would have passed away peacefully because it seemed like he was in such mental anguish at times living. My father took away his gun when he found my grandfather's suicide notes and he was pretty unhappy about that. I really couldn't blame him for wanting to die and felt it was selfish of my father and uncles to take away the last thing he felt he had control over in his life, which was his death.

Hope I didn't thoroughly depress anyone with that.

Beauty is the conscious sum of all our perversions.-Salvador DaliHope without action is hopeless.

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