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Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

I have updated my website, Painting the Sky, with a few more pictures of my friends performing their various fire arts. I invite you to come visit and enjoy the pictures. (=

Wilfred, a new member to HOP(and a friend I'm teaching how to spin poi) has some pictures of his own up. One sweet one of him breathing fire..


[ 24 June 2002, 08:34: Message edited by: CrazyRaverDude ]


603 posts
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, Uk

Nice pictures. Thanks for sharing them. I have NO pictures of me spinning yet. Soon tho. One day very soon.......

How cool must it be to live where you do and spin on the beacj all the time?!!! Bastards. So jealous. Anyroom for a little female in your house?

Dibs xxx

Can miles truly separate us from friends? If we want to be with someone we love aren't we already there? If there is someone willing to show, and there is someone willing to see; magic happens. This is whem humans are alive. This is when the wingless fly.

Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

I'd make a very good pet. You'd just have to teach me not to rip up the couch every now and then.

4,308 posts
Location: York, England

rotflmao at kinudin.

you'd be a big pet though.

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

4,308 posts
Location: York, England

and can i meet this matt sinclair kid?


Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

339 posts
Location: Central coast / Sydney, Australia

nice pics.. spinning on the beach all the time would be heaps of fun!!

Fire... A bushmans telly

263 posts
Location: Holiday, FL, USA

oh, it is heaps of fun...

*when* people show up..

the site looks great CrD!

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

Wow those are some awesome pics. *Looks at some of the pics then takes a look at himself* Man I need to get back in the gym!!

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

23 posts
Location: Hudson, FL, US

heh, sorry.. matt sinclair is mine. :oP

Its hard not to play when theres so many toys.

Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

hehehe I have a smaller member# than you FireSprite... (=


23 posts
Location: Hudson, FL, US

not by much i cant believe how much hop has grown. im sure its gonna grow even more and faster as each day passes..

Its hard not to play when theres so many toys.

385 posts
Location: NorCal

umm, okay so who's Shibaki and when can I come visit in Florida?!
i've been on a mission looking for a beach to spin on here in CT and either they close the gates at sunset and won't let you in, or they'll kick you off cause they don't allow open flame. it sucks.

"Dancing can reveal all the mystery that music conceals"

~Charles Baudelaire

Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

Shibaki is a member of HOP, but I don't think he visits as regularly here any more. We regularly do meets at the beach, at a minimum of once a month, sometimes more frequently. It's hard to arrange the meets though because everyone comes from all over, and everyone works different schedules. But when we all do get together, we burn till the fuel is gone, or we are too tired to burn anymore. I love the beach..

HOP certainly has grown since I first became a member. It's great though, even to be able to say I've been around that long. Lots of people come and gone..and many new faces..(as has there always been..).



263 posts
Location: Holiday, FL, USA

Shibaki's amazing.

Nyx coming to visit us?

Auger282 is vacationing here next month..

didn't i see somewhere Cassandra might also be visiting the sunshine state?

lots of HoPerz migrating to play on the beach.. don't forget about me when you visit!

385 posts
Location: NorCal

i'll visit, probably won't be for a while yet as i'm going to Firedance in California this August, then directly to Burning Man - i'll be gone for more than 3 weeks! I do, however, have family in Belize i visit every year (march/april) and i always fly through Miami- i'm sure i could take a side trip! Or...... anyone here been to Belize? Talk about amazing places to spin!

"Dancing can reveal all the mystery that music conceals"

~Charles Baudelaire

Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

If you would like to make plans to meet up, definately let us know! Us spinners here in Tampa are always willing to burn...


CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

I span at the beach with Ros the other night. But it was an english beach and it was muy windy.

Loads of fun though.


309 posts
Location: Tampa, Fl

heysa my poi brothers and sisters! gonna go check out your site now CRD, didnt know it was fully functioning yet. for any of you, i might be able to provide a homestay, just let me know when and ill let you know if it is possible

good to see you rex, sprite, crd, and all still around. give a call, drop a mail, lets set something up maybe, everyone from the whole world, we can try to fit everyone in my place, but um, i only have one bathroom...

WOW!!! CRD, thank you! i didnt even know you had some of my pictures up, that was way cool. good site and good pics. wow... i have my camera battery charged, so hey, lets get some more


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