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FireKittenSILVER Member newbie 17 posts Location: YORK, United Kingdom
Posted: Is it humanly possible in poi to impress your friends after three weeks of practising from scratch? I want some simple yet effective move ideas that I can learn fairly quickly. Thankyou hunni bunni spinni winnies!
xX Twist and twirl to trance and techno Xx
drakematrixSILVER Member Maker of the Cheesecake 174 posts Location: Akron, OH, USA
Posted: Hmm, I can get a shoulder wrap with the tails no prob. I can get a leg wrap from a butterfly, but sometimes the lower poi catches on it's own string and won't release. not a problem with the tail though...
As far as I understand it, I have the basic buzzsaw down, but my planes arent' straight yet. I can get out of it no prob, but because I have to shorten the chain by quite a bit, I don't know how to get into it. Same with the corkscrew... I tend to do a single hand wrap to shorten the length before I can corkscrew. of course, my corkscrew goes in alternating directions, and the one in the video goes in the same direction... oh well
What exactly do I have to light on fire to get you to notice me?
munkypunksGOLD Member enthusiast, but not enthusiastic 367 posts Location: Los Angeles, California, USA
Posted: Sounds like we're about at the same level, so if it's any use, I just learned a couple of new things with buzzsaw. If you take a short chain butterfly, you can pivot to one side and turn it into a sort of dragonfly buzzsaw (each poi going opposite direction), or from a really tight corkscrew, with your hands just about touching (we call it chasing the wrists, don't know if that's official), you can stop in the middle so that you're in a horizontal buzzsaw. Then turn it upright. Don't know if that will work with tails.....I dont use tails, cuz they're too hard.
You can't fall off the floor, but sometimes you need a chair to reach the cookie jar.
DinkBRONZE Member member 70 posts Location: in a bubble :), United Kingdom
Posted: More chuffed than i was yesterday just did a 3 beat weave.. whoo lol.
Anyone got any tips for that one handed butterfly?? still cant quite crack it...*frustrated*
im a gemini..go figure
linden rathenGOLD Member Carpal \'Tunnel 6,942 posts Location: London, UK
Posted: go dink - one handed butterfly i think you just gotta keep practising and sort out your hand position - i can still only do it for a few beats but nm
thanks munkypunks and drake - will go try those now
*grin* now just gotta crack the btb weave - nto finding it too hard tho which is cool