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2 posts
Location: Waterloo, Ontario

So ....

I'm from a small city in Ontario, Canada in which few have ever seen the likes of poi. Silly them! wink So when I came across a set on ebay I impulsively ordered them and began what my friends have affectionately termed, "firespinning: the hobby that kills."

I've only been spinning for about 3 weeks now, though my obsessivity leads me to believe that I can safely light them on fire tomorrow night. Which I will do.

Name: Krysten

Place of existence: Waterloo, Ontario

Occupation: University student - Archaeology

Claim to fame: Falling 5 metres out of a tree last week and breaking no limbs. Come to think of it... my claim to fame is NEVER having broken any appendages.

Favourite place: Haiti

Hobbies in process: Learning violin, trying to circular breathe on my damn didgeridoo, poi, marathons.

Hobbies: Travelling, impulsive power-spending, sailing, surfing badly, talking, archaeology, swimming, procrastination, music.

Favourite beginner move: Mexican wave
Least favourite beginner move: Corkscrew (Is it normal to feel slightly like a monkey doing this move?!!)

Fine_Rabid_DogInternet Hate Machine
10,530 posts
Location: They seek him here, they seek him there...

Written by: Phantasin

Hobbies: Travelling, impulsive power-spending, sailing, surfing badly, talking, archaeology, swimming, procrastination, music.

We have the same hobbies... cept sailing -edit- and archaeology

Hello! Welcome to HoP. In a moment, you will be bombarded by crazy people. Take ur last breath of sane air, and enter the madness *tense Music* *evil laugh* ubblol ubbloco
EDITED_BY: Fine_Rabid_Dog (1110760348)

The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away."

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
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Location: Over There, United Kingdom

Hello wave

What do you sail?

Do you like the colour pink? ubbangel

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

JauntyJamesSILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,533 posts
Location: Hampshire College, MA, USA

y0! congratulations, because i anti-hate you!!! heart heart heart


"How do you know if you're happy or sad without a mask? Or angry? Or ready for dessert?"

~Leah~GOLD Member
584 posts
Location: Sunshine Coast, Australia


Welcome to poi. How long have you been surfing for? I bought myself a 9 ft longboard 2 months ago and it's so hard!
I know that when I was learing the corkscrew (not that long ago) I felt like a censored

Never hold your farts in! They travel up your spine, go into your brain and that's where shitty idea's come from.

NantheosSILVER Member
82 posts
Location: Netherlands - Hengelo

welcome to HoP !!

Hij die zijn kind benzine voert moet niet roken als het boert.

Love you MyIng ubblove

GnorBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
5,814 posts
Location: Perth, Australia

I think feeling a bit like a monkey is usual around here,...there is a whole monkey treehouse thread even,,


Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all concerned?
Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

Im in a lonely battle with the world with a fish to match the chip on my shoulder. Gnu in Binnu in a cnu

_pOp_BRONZE Member
Playing OldSchool Poi
593 posts
Location: amsterdam, Netherlands


let us know how your first burn went?!!!
just make sure you don't do to many moves the first time: just do the forwards swing and crossing for a while first and then maybe add a weave. the best thing about your first burn is the sensation of the fire: the glow, the noise, so do it somewhere with not to much background noise. harder moves will distract you of the magic of the first burn, try those the second time, 5 minutes later!!!!
(my personal favourite move is the Alternate Butterfly Combination, although I always forget to do it when i light up).

meditate eRic.

I'm not normally a religious man, but if you're up there, save me, Superman!

Adya MiriyanaGOLD Member
6,554 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

Welcome! hug hug

I second FRD on the hobbies. Though I've been trying to get rid of procrastination for years!

hope the burn went well smile

2 posts
Location: Waterloo, Ontario

*Grins* I absolutely couldn't wait until tonight to burn them so I did it last night. It was fabulous, invigorating, exciting, amazing.. what else do I say?! I'm hooked!

I'm in a University residence so three people soon turned into a crowd of about 15 with another 25 or so watching out their windows. Eek.
My transitioning sucks, but that'll come.
I started with easy stuff (ie: forward swings, reverse, butterfly) but within a minute couldn't hold out and had to try some of the cooler stuff. In the adrenaline rush I managed a bunch of overhead butterflys, weave, corkscrew, chasing the sun, mexican swing, the needle one... and.... I forget. The rush is insane and I realise now I probably shouldn't have tried half of them! wink

And Dog? Where are the crazy people? wink

Pink.. my experiences so far with sailing have been limited to a 40 ft catamaran and some smaller racing boats. Not much market for sailing around the great lakes (Canada). Whenever I can get back to an Ocean it'll definately be on my list of priorities. Along with spinning on a beach. wink

Laya, I've been surfing for about 2 years on and off. Vacation surfing usually has to do it for me since once again.. there's not a great market for surfing in inland Canada. Gah. smile I see you're from Aus. If you ever get around Perth, try Margaret River (Sp?) It was amazing and HUGE!

A monkey treehouse thread?!!! *L* I must search for that. That's EXACTLY how it feels! :P

Another search I'm about to try is to find out how OTHER people's first burns went. And if I can't find them... you shall all be forced to tell me how yours went.


DruidpyreGOLD Member
19 posts
Location: Houston, TX, USA


Hell, yea! Congrats! The first burn is always the most memorable. I remember mine well, although I was so drunk I don't remember anything else about that night. (Drinking + firepoi = bad idea. Drinking + firepoi + me = lucky SOB. No accidents!) I had been spinning flags for over a year at that point. We were hanging out at my friend's house, when he busted out the firepoi. It wasn't long before his driveway turned into a BYOB block party. Apparently everyone in his neighborhood were moths in a former life.

My girl was freaking out on me and begging me not to spin, but another six-pack eventually shut her down. She was toasted, and watched me spin through half of the fuel before she realized it was me.

Ironically, this is the same girl that had her first burn this weekend. I'm so proud.

OH WAIT!!! This isn't the "first burn" thread? ooooops

ubblol Sorry I got carried away. You're first burn got me all nostalgic. HAPPY SPINNING!!!! devil

We create a new world order, one of beauty and grace, color and sound. There is nothing more vibrant or full of life than the roar of fire tying knots of light around your body.

BirdGOLD Member
now available in "advanced"
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Location: Cornwall, United Kingdom

Hello and welcome to HoP!!!!

wave weavesmiley

My state of mind is not yours to define!

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

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