383 posts
Location: Brisbane, Qld, Australia

I was just wondering...I've been driving for about almost 2 months now... and had some funky experiences (as everyone does I guess).

For e.g. as me being the one to learn the hard way with EVERYTHING.. I was cruising down the highway to a parrrrty (actually brizzy to the sunny coast) and it was a dark and stormy night.. really it was.. well, okay there was a bit of lightning and thunder around... no rain... ANYWAYS..

I was cruising along.. and suddenly this car comes hooning up behind me with high beams on and blinding me in my mirror. So I crouched down goblin-like to avoid the reflection.. still was a bit too bright to be happily driving along.

I'm tired, so I make a big mistake and let this piss me off a little. (NEVER AGAIN.. MUST STAY CALM... deep blue seaaaa) I figure this guy is a knob, and I slow down a bit to let him pass. He hoons past, and as he does I flick my lights a couple of times just to show him he's got his high beams on. (well, okay.. I was annoyed..)

This guy then suddenly cuts in front of me, really close, and slams on the breaks. Keep in mind we are going 110 km/hr which is the speed limit here. I react straight away (thanks to previous amounts of too much caffeine), and start getting a bit freaked out. After all, I could well have gone through the windscreen with his previous maneouver.

He's going like 70km in front of me, and my head lights are happily and safely dipped. (As is and should be common courtesy with other cars)..

I think oh well, screw it, and overtake him, thinking he's being a little silly. He then ducks in behind me with his highbeams on AGAIn, and starts doing some wicked strobe lighting on and off with his high beams again.

I freak out, since having seen Jeepers Creepers only a few hours before. I continue on my merry way (without being able to see much at all) .. and eventually he overtakes me and cruises off (at what mustv been over 130km/hr or so)

Big sigh of relief YAY im alive!

So my moral was that I'm going to never do that ever again. (e.g. demonstrate miffedness).

Anyone else had weird stuff happen?

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.- B.B.King

LuNcHbOx...(Aka. Nathan)-un-singlemember
536 posts
Location: beneath a cloak of self-torture

i don't drive and what does
"Hoons by...." mean....pardon me if that is a normal word in britty, not alot of people that use it here!!!
And thatz gotta suc.....Jeepers Creepers.
waz a funny movie.....

-LuNcHbOx, Aka. Nathan...Give a man to fish, and that man knows where to come for more fish...Teach a man to fish and you have just destroyed your market base...

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

Lets not talk about driving, Nyx will come in here and totally blast me on my driving

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

385 posts
Location: NorCal


That's coming from a speed-demon risk-taker so you KNOW his driving is BAAAAAADDDD!!!
lol, sorry Ray, you're never living down THAT rep!

On another note, never high beam someone who appears to be already slightly crazed, it's like a direct challenge...you might as well break into my apartment then stare at my Rottweiler and growl...it amounts to about the same thing, only cars will kill you faster. Sorry this is sort of lectury, but the son of an old friend of mine was killed several months ago in a similar situation, he was only 16, got his license like 6 months ago Very wasteful and pointless to die in a car accident that could have easily been prevented

"Dancing can reveal all the mystery that music conceals"

~Charles Baudelaire

4,308 posts
Location: York, England

drivers are nuts. I can't think of any stories from me driving, but too from me in the car. In on case the girl was passing a cement truck in a no passing zone going up a hill at 110mph (not the speed limit.....double it in fact.) and an SUV started coming up over the hill tworads us. I shut my eyes. The other was recently, when a guy i was in the car with was stopped at a red light and all of the sudden just started driving again. He wasn't on anything, just really feckin confused....*shakes head*

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

LuNcHbOx...(Aka. Nathan)-un-singlemember
536 posts
Location: beneath a cloak of self-torture

An old lady is ringing bike bell*
ting ting.....
ting ting.....
I love my bicy-.....
*bang....the old lady is hit by a speeding "Lunchbox"*.....

Die Pedestrian Scum!!!!!
*he yells as he speeds away*
(this is me)

-LuNcHbOx, Aka. Nathan...Give a man to fish, and that man knows where to come for more fish...Teach a man to fish and you have just destroyed your market base...

SickpuPpyNinja Rockstar!
1,100 posts
Location: Denver, Co. U.S.A.

Out here during the winter people will drive 65, 75 mph during a snow storm (oddly though, whenever it rains hard people start freaking out and drive every where at 5mph, go figure). Most of them think they're invincible because they have 4 wheel drive. Consequently almost 60% of all winter traffic accidents here involve an SUV or something with 4 wheel drive.

This last winter I was driving to work in the morning in a huge snow storm. The streets hadn't been plowed yet as it was still pretty early and the snow storm was rather sudden. I was driving, with white knuckles mind you, at a screaming 15 mph and sliding all over the place. It would have been really fun if I had been the only one on the road. I had left home an hour early leaving plenty of time to stop and get some hot Chai with honey at my local coffee shop, and because I knew the traffic was going to be hell. Well one guy in green Chevy Blazer apparently didn't think that far ahead, because out of nowhere this guy come flying by me like a was standing still. He must have been going at least 50 mph (five over the normal speed limit for that street, and certain death on the icy streets) he's whipping through traffic weaving in and out when, all of a sudden, some one started slowing down for a red light and Green Blazer guy was fucked. He whipped into the next lane but, suprise suprise, the cars in that lane were slowing down for the light too. So he swerved onto the grass center median, apparently hoping it would slow him down as he skidded out of control. Well, it didn't, not by a damn sight. So he goes flying into on coming traffic, and somehow by the grace of god he didn't hit anyone (which is rather amazing as rush hour around here is insane most of the time). So after he got done soiling himself thouroughly in on coming traffic he cut back onto the center median barreling straight through the intersection, and as he once again avoided almost certain death there he panicked (or caught some unexpected traction) and jerked right and rolled his Blazer six times into a ditch.

I actually thought that was pretty funny since the only person who got hurt was the dumbass in the blazer who was driving recklessly in the first place.

Every one keeps going on about how we need to make our cars safer, and our roads safer and so on, but I think we should make them more dangerous. Every car should, instead of airbags, come standard with an eight inch razor sharp spike mounted on the steering column and pointed right at the driver's eye. I'll bet accidents drop by at least 70%

Jesus helps me trick people.

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Too many experiences with road rage to mention. Though, one time we were driving up the hume hwy to sydney, and this bloody big truck comes up behind us and turns his lights out. Scary

Splat, with the lights in your mirror. There should be a thingy on your mirror to that you can flick to cut the glare.

SickpuPpy, I think it’s more about getting people to drive better.

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

Pretty much the only bad experience I've had driving was a few years ago - I drove into the back of a friend's car, writing off both cars

What happened was that I was supposed to be following his tiny, very manuverable car in my beast of a tank type thing because we'd been camping for the night and I no idea where we were - my friend had the map book.
Since he was driving really fast, I was trying to drive fast enough to keep up - mistake number 1.
He pulled up to a junction, then pulled away again - since I was trying to keep up, I looked up the road to see if I could go too -mistake number 2, then looked back to see his car still there - he'd seen a bike that was behind a tree from where I was.
Because all of the camping kit was in my car, I couldn't brake hard enough to stop in time and caved in the boot of his car and twisted the chassis of mine since I hit at a slight angle.

I drive alot slower now (party because I drive a classic car), it's just a shame that I had to have an accident to learn my lesson, lucky that no-one was hurt though

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

340 posts
Location: Australia

Driving like an idiot is one of the most cowardly and stupid forms of suicide. Not only do you risk your life but the lives of everyone else around you. As if suicide wasnt cowardly enough.

step 1. Throw your self at the ground.
step 2. Miss.

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Every day's a battle on New York City roads.

I do make a point of driving differently when others are in the car. I feel that it's my responsibility to make others feel comfortable too, even though I may know my car's capability/size/braking speed well, passengers shouldn't have to clench their teeth just because they don't.

I guess I've learned from my dad. Mr. "I knew I had a good 3 inches on each side as I cut between two trucks and a school bus at 55 mph"... Yeah, but we didn't! My little brother still has nightmares of us driving off of the side of a bridge and feels more comfortable with one of those "window breakers" so he won't have to drown when my dad cuts it too close one of these days... It makes me sad.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

174 posts
Location: St. Paul, MN USA

I was driving my (now ex-)boyfreind's car after coming out of the movie "The Fast and the Furious". I was just learning how to drive a stick. This car is his baby. He races it. He let me drive it. Right into a deer. Smashed it up pretty good. Tis ok, he dumped me 2 months ago. *evil cackle*

still trying to convince myself that not all men are bad,

Without further guilding the lily and with no more ado, I bid you farewell and sweet dreams...

383 posts
Location: Brisbane, Qld, Australia

ack...icy roads sound scary..

I'm in NO WAY EVER demonstrating any annoyance towards any driver in any way anymore on the road.. especially at night...

Trucks still freak me out occasionally... specially cos they seem to think its okay to drive in the middle of the road taking up both coming and going lanes... especially around corners on tight mountain roads... hmmmm!

I know I still have loads to learn... its just that theres so many scary bastards out there that seem to be scaring the lessons into me..

I'm sorry about the guy's son... that does sound like a huge waste to me .. definitely taking everyone's advisings on board...

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.- B.B.King

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

heh crap driving is the nasty hairy underbelly of human interaction. It offends me greatly when i perceive rightly or wrongly that everyone else on the road is out to there for themselves. then i catch myself and realise that this uncharitable, judgemental personae of mine -while easily understood- is no person that i'd like to meet, and hence no person i'd like to be. For anyone undertaking spiritual work, road rage is an unmatched emotional battleground. It's humbling when you realise how easily, willingly, and quickly our subconsious assials our minds with fear and loathing.

Let's drive to las vegas!

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

385 posts
Location: NorCal

Okay this is probably going to sound really stupid and corny to some people, but maybe it'll make sense to others and then more people will groove off the good vibes....

When i'm in traffic and annoyed with stupid drivers and about to lose my cool (my friends used to call me a pissed-off Mario Andretti) i do a little visualization exercise... i pull energy from my chakras and form it into a ball of soft blue light, which i then push up and over my head...i hold that image for a minute and infuse the ball with serenity and thoughts of well-being and yumminess...then i visualize all those feelings shooting out in different directions from the ball and entering all the other cars around me, touching each one of the drivers with all those good vibes.

It sounds strange, but man does it work! It takes your anger and turns in into something productive, and makes you feel very benevolent toward the other drivers. It's a kind of euphoric rush...i actually will look at the other drivers as i'm passing them or they me and make eye contact and beam them a smile...i've seen pissed and frustrated faces soften into puzzled but happier faces, it's like you gave them a gift and they know you did something but not what and it doesn't matter what cause they feel it anyway.
Try it sometime, you'll be amazed at the difference it makes in your commute/day!

"Dancing can reveal all the mystery that music conceals"

~Charles Baudelaire

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Driving is not a competition.

Driving is a way to get from point A to point B without maiming anyone else, yourself, or writing off your vehicle.

Driving is viewed by a lot of people as competitive, and they don't really think about the fact that they could maim someone else, themselves, or write off their vehicle.

Driving is a competition where your goal (get safely from point A to point B) is only achieved by avoiding all the other nutters on the road...

My 2 cents anyway...

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9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Crap. Bad news...

I just got back from visiting one of my students from last year at the hospital. She was in a pretty bad accident this past weekend, the airbag seemed to have crushed in a good chunk of her 17 year old face. We've had quite a few car accidents up at my High School including a fatal one last year. None alcohol related. Just kids driving too fast.

This one hit me pretty hard though. I'm still a bit teary eyed about seeing her lying there in the hospital bed. She was one of MY students. Every teacher has a few. Kids that you make a connection with. Kids that make sure to drop by your classroom EVERY day and say "Hi". When people asked me if I was going to see her in the hospital I said simply "She'd be the first one there if it was me." And she would have. She was all excited for this weekend because she's the captain of the cheerleading squad (and manages to pull that off without all of the typical negative connatations as well)... Instead of leading the squad this weekend, she'll be getting her face put back together.

Be careful out there. Turn the music up, take a breath, and take your foot off of the gas pedal just a bit...

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

340 posts
Location: Australia

Hearing about experiences like that really sadden me. I've had two friends roll their cars in the last week because they just didnt have the experience of driving in the wet. They both could have died.

One day this could happen to me so my plan is to buy an expensive classic so I'm forced to drive it like it were made of porcelain.

step 1. Throw your self at the ground.
step 2. Miss.

383 posts
Location: Brisbane, Qld, Australia

i'm gonna give the energy-chilling excercise a go... I do it for healing anyways.. just..well... never seems to hit me to do it when I need it yet...

I'm really sorry to hear about all the accidents that are happening around the world...

It IS very easy to jump into participating in road rage... too easy...

And you'd think ppl would have at least STARTED to learn... what with everyone who is unfortunate to be touched by car accidents and injuries... which is pretty much everyone...

hmm... on a good note... you do meet wonderful ppl on the road VERY occasionally and it makes you feel extra warm and fuzzy when you do...

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.- B.B.King

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

wow, that's harsh NYC, you and everyone else involved have my deepest sympathies.
I've never heard of an airbag impact being that severe, do you know if she was wearing a seatbelt?

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

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