383 posts
Location: Brisbane, Qld, Australia

does anyone here reckon ingesting hallucinogens or any other kind of drug for that matter makes them twirl 'better'? i.e. you *really* do twirl better - your friends have said so or whatever.I have heard from numerous people that swear by mushrooms or LSD for 'helping' them twirl smoother, more creatively and generally 'better' than in their straight state.I was wondering how many people here had tried spinning in altered states of mind... I'm by no means recommending it =)

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.- B.B.King

336 posts
Location: NY, USA

Bongo,you rock.Word. My thoughts exactly.------------------Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...

Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...

341 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

N8,Does this mean if I disagree with you that I don't rock?Hmmm...This is the reason I haven't responded in this thread. It's almost impossible to be objective when it comes to something like drugs. We all have an opinion and we all have the right to express it. But that's all it ever will be - an opinion. By definition it is not a FACT.It's every individuals right to believe in whatever it is they believe. Just like it's every individuals's right to choose where, when and in what state they spin fire (yes, of course provided they are safe). I don't really think that we should be making value judgements here. Let's just accept that some of us will disagree when it comes to issues that polarise even the wider community. smile

148 posts
Location: Kansas City, MO USA

I think that I, and many others are objective about drugs. I personally am almost completely strait edge (no drugs, booze, or cigs) the onlything I ever do is caffeine, yet I am a firm believer that a person has the right to choose what they do. I may have been reading too much Thoreau, but that's my belief. Now, whats not objective, in my mind is those who say: "Yes, kids drugs are good, go shoot up" or, those who say "Drugs are evil,..." the truly objective way is, hers what they do, it's your choice. -PSM

One can only see what one observes, and one observes only things which are already in the mind.-Alphonse Bertillon

383 posts
Location: Brisbane, Qld, Australia

hmm..I'm glad there are voices of reason out there. I know drugs were wrong for me, wrong for my circle of friends - but at the same time they gave me experiences that I do not at all regret having. And by drugs I mean speed and ecstasy and their relatives. I started this thread originally just cause I was curious as to how many of you twirlers saw your twirling from 'another plane'. Whoever said that they didn't think you could get 'full enjoyment' out of their spinning toys while high perhaps hasn't experienced it? I remember when I could get my 'full enjoyment' on a drug by simply staring at the floor. "Why would you take drugs and twirl?" "Why would you take drugs and do anything?"Because some people simply want to.. you aren't automatically a bad person, you could be exactly the same as billions of other people who do them. They led me to an extraordinary discovery of the world that a lot of ppl do not normally tune into in everyday life. Then again, some drugs are just crazy rollercoasters you need to jump off before they crash. [This message has been edited by splat (edited 16 April 2001).]

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.- B.B.King

214 posts
Location: Manchester

I dont really care what people take, as long as they are not a danger to the crowd.Its people individual decision as to what they want to take to enhance there spinning.It may not be a case of actually making you a better spinner but as long as there experience of that spin is good then let them make there own deciosions.Personnally as belive that spinning with excessive amounts of alcohol in ya system is wrong.I've spun a few times while on shrooms. And found the sensation similar to dancin.I dont know if i was technically better ( i thought around the same), but with my senses hightened i enjoyed spinning on a different level. It was a lot more about how i felt rather that looking goog or impressing a crowd. As for spinning while smokin 'erb. I love it. For me i love to really get into the music and spin or dance while having a smoke.Again as soon i start to lose co-ordination or feel m routine is far worse than it is normally: time to stop! As long as youre not dangerous to anyone than do what you feel comfortable with.

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

im drug free. and relatively new to spinning, but i get a blast out of it, esp when i figure out how to do something new that ive been right on the tip of for a while. i also am teaching myself to juggle, and i have some flower sticks smile i play with them all to pass the time and for entertainment, tv sucks, i'd much rather do something constructive.

336 posts
Location: NY, USA

Finn,Thank you for showing me the other side of the coin. You're right, this really just an opinion of sorts. But the "fact" is that many drugs are posions for the body. I know we live in a world of posions, and you can catch cancer from practically just breathing now adays, I'm just not thrilled at the people that want to speed up the process by taking things. again, only another opinion. This doesn't mean I don't respect someone's choice, i just would not make that choice myself.------------------Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...

Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...

160 posts

Little wicks and long burning flames or one big explosion... it's all a matter of preference and there are infinite possibilities in between .......firedancers as well as anyone should understand that you have so much to burn... drugs brighten the show, but at a cost.Drugs and fire are both a blancing act between beauty and safety.

Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

Personally, I smoke(if I'm not high, something is wrong), and I do E. I personally take E, one as a party drug because it enhances your senses. It also allows you to "See" things differently. Whereas you may look at someone spinning a glowstick sober, you just see them spinning a glowstick. While on E, it looks like a plane, or an object that you could reach out and grab. I can only imagine what twirling will be like for me on E. I personally do not plan on taking it until I reach a critical mass on how good I am. smile I feel everything you do in life should be done responsibly. And some "drugs" aren't exactly poisons...E just realeses seratonin in your brain...scientists have found no longer term effects..only short term...*shrug*I'm sure Twirling will be a whole new experience on E..just like the first time that I will light up. And I will save both for the correct time.


26 posts
Location: Sydney, nsw, Australia

Ok, if this thread is now about making value judgements then count me out.The original q was I understand whether drugs make ‘you’ twirl better.I think it’s helpful to separate the twirling experience and technical twirling aspects for this thread.Experience:To me, a key quality of twirling/spinning is to find a personal headspace that I label ‘the zone’. For me it’s a meditative, euphoric state that can be induced when I’m straight, under the influence of mild amounts of alcohol, the herbal tobacco or e.Grass/ganja rocks. “Bong”oCIH, maybe u could try a bucket (no offence intended). I’m happy to say that it does change my perspective.My best twirling experience was on e, when the music, fire, sand, water, vibes, .. everything was beautiful. That was a special occasion and the whole setting & company were strongly contributing factors. Endurance wise e is tops.Technical execution:Copious consumption of alcohol does stuff up my co-ordination but in moderation it provides a certain fluidity to my movements.-------------------firennomadtry it, try it ,you will see, it’s a good as it can be… but be free to make your own choices.P.S. Have made a note personal note to find shrooms next time I venture to the source.

Girl From Marsmember
168 posts
Location: Liverpool, NY, USA

Personally i feel that you should do what you want to do regardless of what others say. as long as it is a concisious decision and you are careful. people who do drugs because they want to fit in or anyother lame excuse should not be doing them. alot of you do E or pot or drink because you like the affect, you like how it feels, you want to do it....that's cool. personally i am straight, i have always been, i have never drank , smoked or tried anyother drugs. i don't intend to because i like how my body functions as is and i don't feel the need to expand my mind anymore. but i don't instill my beliefs on those who do any drugs cause it's what they want to do and i have no say in that unless it's bringing harm to them. do what you want as long as you bring no harm to yourself, it's your body. but at the same time respect others who don't engage in that activity. i give mad props to those that respect others decisions. example: a group of you are smoking and one person wants to hang with everyone but doesn't want a contact buzz, so the group of you smoke right next to a window and blow everything out of it. i'm usually in this postion and i'm lucky enough to have friends that respect my decision and do what then can to keep it away from me.keep that in mind if you run into such a situation. ya all. smile------------------the music feeds my soul that glows and grows with every spin i take.

the music feeds my soul that glows and grows with every spin i take.

Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

Girl From Mars,Personally, I just gained a lot of respect for you. smile I have respect for anyone who has made an educated, responsible decision, and does not hold it against anyone else who has different views. As I stated previously, since I'm new to twirling, I've never done it on E, and I've been high for years, so..*grin* I will try it someday on E, however I want to attain a certain experience level first. As I feel that "any" drug you do is going to affect you. Whether it be good or not. We are ALL sober a majority of the time(if not, there may be something wrong with the direction of your life IMHO), so why NOT be good at it when sober? Girl, do you ever twirl around people who ARE under the influence(of anything)? I think it may be fun to twirl while under the influence, but I'm sure watching another twirler would be the next best thing(and probably almsot as good..hehe). :P


Girl From Marsmember
168 posts
Location: Liverpool, NY, USA

yes i have twirled around people who are under the influence of anything. actually almost everytime i twirl with a couple people at least one is under some sort of influence. they seem to enjoy watching me and others do it then trying to do it themselves. i figure if you doing anything and you are in a happy state of mind and the vibe of everything is on the ups, then it's all good. the worst is went people get pissed off or do something to kill the vibe cause they are under the influence of something. PLUR------------------the music feeds my soul that glows and grows with every spin i take.

the music feeds my soul that glows and grows with every spin i take.

17 posts
Location: Oakdale Tn

WOW, i never thought that i would see this discussion on this board, but since its here i might as well throw my 2 cents in on it. i started out as a raver, and i found poi as a raver. from then on i was hooked. ive been into the rave scene for atleast 5 years now, so ive been into all of the aformentioned substances at one point or another. i practice all the time sober and i really think that im much more clean at my twirling when im sober. but i have to say that everyone who has ever seen me practice and also seen me at a rave says im much better when im at the rave. like most recently, this passed weekend i went to a rave with some friends. a girl from work wanted me to take her to her first rave so i told sure why not. she got to my house the afternoon before and saw me practicing and loved what she saw. but there was this one section of the rave, when the dance floor was virtually empty and the music was just right, and it was like i just took my cue. i walked out onto the dance floor and started twirling really slow and sensual just like the really deep dark trance that was playing. at some point the dj noticed me because i looked up at him and he gave me a thumbs up. about 30 seconds later the music went into overdrive into a real hard house beat and i went nutz. at this point i was totally entranced and its all a blur to me. but the girl that went with me said that it was just the greatest thing, because the entire rave was just watching me(i still dont believe her). she said that i spun for about 20 min with the whole crowd watching. she was sober both times, but everyone agrees that the whole show changes when the twirler is on something. for me i was candy flippin. but most of the other twirlers there were just trippin. i dunno. i thought that it was pretty neat that i could just go into a trance and come out of it getting congratz and pats on the back and the such. i dont know if it makes you any better, but atleast in my experience the show i give is much better when im doin x or a. but my theory on that is basically because im not thinking about what im doing, im just doing it. like the poi is more of an extension of my arm and less of a glowstick on a string.

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Lazerous has reminded me of something else I notice about movement and drugs...I think there would be very few ppl that would say that the above mentioned drugs cant help them *at all* in not feeling self-conscious when dancing or performing. I'd say that that is one of the major reasons ppl drink Alcohol - to become dis-inhibited...I've seen it countless times - guys and girls dancing with somwhat stiffled movements - feeling self-conscious...later, quite obviously on drugs, these ppl let themselves go, and Man they dance better!just my observations..Josh

24 posts
Location: Melbourne, Vic, Australia

I saw a doco recently about a guy with parkinsons disease who's disability was improved dramatically when he took e. Somehow mdma gave him better muscle coordination. The scientists found this very interesting cos e works on the seretonin receptors which had not been thought to be associated with muscle control and body movement (the dopamine receptors were thought to be more important for these functions). Anyhow, I can related this to my experiences on e with twirling. I find that I have much improved coordinations and I am able to 'fire dance' much better as opposed to simply repeated moves and tricks. This could also be due to reduced self-conciousness but I don't think that this is the only reason.

210 posts
Location: new zealand

i used to find that a good stone would help me smooth out a lot of my moves and make me buzz out pretty hard. but as the years have passed (tick, tick ,tick, tick, tick) i sort of noticed that as i was getting into more and more complex moves, practising sober was the way to go, then when the moves were sussed out and natural, cranking up a fat spliff and letting loose (while occaisionally quite dazzling) was awesome!!

70 posts
Location: brisbane, QLD

i like drugs. travel broadens the mind? it's rather fun to twirl or spin on drugs but everything in moderation yeah? too many of my mates are turning into junkies and i'm thinking about growing up. my head is fucked from years of abuse and it's difficult for me to write structured logical arguements anymore. stay stimulated with the real things in lifeCrazyRaverDude: the serotonin in your brain that gets realesed is also easily burnt out, it takes along time for your body to produce more. go easy no serotonin= no funbeth

fading away
how could these stimulants lead us astray?

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

If you eat honey sandwiches after a night pilling it aids in the production of seretonin.My Doctor told me that grin (really, I swear he did)Marmite is supposed to be good too....


Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

There is a naturally occuring chemical in bananas that helps incerease seratonin. Next time I'm out partying I'm taking a packed lunch smile

Are we nearly there yet?

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

Add my name to the list of people who prefer to spin under the influence of nothing.Each to their own, as they say, my own is just to stay clearheaded.

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

12 posts
Location: uppsala, sweden

first an introduction to my unique situation. i am an american. i am living in sweden in a kollective (communne of sorts) with members of the Word of Life church. an ultra conservative reactionary church, which is often look upon as a cult in the rest of sweden. I am not a christian but rather a person who enjoys doing drugs recreationally. I get along with them and they get along with me. We sometimes spar about the existence of god or the possibilty of using drugs to enhance an already fruitful life. But it’s always on good terms. I had the pleasure of going to my first rave in Sweden last weekend, and I think there was not one person in the whole party on any kind of substance whatsoever. The party had a very different feel to it. The people there were less friendly, and they danced very badly. (think german but no drugs) I know that there exist few rare gifted people who can be just as open and friendly and dance just as well or better without using drugs. But few of us possess these superpowers and often need that special kick you get from dropping something*. I love mushrooms, i find they give me a creative edge without sacrificing much coordination. My biggest problem on shrooms is that i often get way too excited and try to do too many crazy moves and end up tangled or bruised a bit more. I imagine A is much the same but haven’t had the pleasure. I try to stay away from E not because i don’t like the high it gives me but because it pushes me into near existential crises in the days following. I belong to a rare group of people who don’t like grass, but enjoys other drugs. I am especially fond of DXM, (similar to K) and i find whenever i meet one of these special people (twice in my life) i get along with them absurdly well. I imagine it has something to do with brain chemistry, but i was wondering if there are any of you out there? Hello? p.s. the chemical thistle is refering to is called trytophan, an amino acid. a good source of itis turkey. Trytophan was banned in the US, (suspiciously close to the launch of prozac, which works by causing your brain to reuse trytophan more efficiently) but it is possible to buy 5 hydroxy tryptophan. which is also good. I am not sure about the availablity of trytophan or 5 hydroxy tryptophan in other countries. this dosn’t mean you should do more E than you are currently doing.i love sweden i wouldn’t be here if i didn’t. oh yeah, sorry for all the erroneous information,

Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
495 posts
Location: Tampa, FL, USA

*update*Went to a house party this past weekend..mostly everyone was on E. I decided that I was at a point sufficient enough to try fire spinning while intoxicated. I must say I had one of the best twirling experiences yet! The whole party was outside watching me spin. I literally zoned out and was engulfed by the flames. It all just flowed... Was an incredible experience. I think I twirl better under this influence.rangerbethany:Yeah, no seratonin, no roll, no happy feeling. :P I've learned that one from my experiences. And actually if you take too much, your brain can actually run out of seratonin and you can damage the receptors that it bonds with. Fortunately there is a product called 5-HTP (5 hydroxy tryptophan, same stuff pinkbuddha was talking about) at GNC. It generally comes in pill form. 5-HTP is a precursor to seratonin. When you take it, it forces your brain to produce more seratonin. Some people take this before they do E(Called pre-loading) and some take it afterwards(called post-loading). I would highly recommend eating something that forces you to produce seratonin, as it reduces the chance of you damaging yourself.Educate yourself and be safe!


214 posts
Location: Melbourne Australia

Hi ppl, just wondering what opinions we have about Salvia Divinorum, and the combination of Ephedra and sassafras oil.

Trying to play the Akashic records,
but my turntables not compatible.

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

whats the combo of ephedra and sassafras oil like? I've had ephedra on its own, and mild doses of Salvia. I like Salvia, but I dont think it would enhance my twirling smileJosh

2 posts
Location: FL

i've seen videos of myself twirling on E and i have to say my skills improve greatly as does my creativity.

383 posts
Location: Brisbane, Qld, Australia

hahaha... I cannot imagine twirling on Salvia Divinorum either... Who needs materials when your spirit is detaching itself from your physical body? I am yet to try sassafras oil... I thought Ephedra was horrible...

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.- B.B.King

214 posts
Location: Melbourne Australia

lol at the why bother with material things when on salvia, and I now think i would have to agree, although i do like it.Ephedra and sassafras oil: eat the ephedra plant material into some chewing gum and rub the sassafras oil into your thighs, sounds wierd I now, apparently they compliment each other, (make the other stronger), I liked it! whatever it was that gave me the effect and could definitly imageine it as an aid to twirling, since it is essentially a stimulant (the ephedrine moleculely is closely related to adrenaline).In the enlightened words of Marharishi (Marhashishy yogi cookie)One small step for man, one giant leap for smoke dopers wink tongue

Trying to play the Akashic records,
but my turntables not compatible.

89 posts
Location: coventry, midlands, uk

i had a dream last night!i was drowning in a sea of liquor & washed up on a beach of cocain.all the trees were made of maruarna & the sky was made of LSD. but the cops pulled me over they did not aresst me.insted they sucked my it was so fuking beautiful that god came down from heavan.he said 2 me we will know longer spell the word god, G.O.D.i said how do u wanna spell it then god.he repleyedgive me a Dgive me a r give me a u give me a ggive me a sAND WAT DOSE THAT SPELL PARTY P-POL!

30 posts
Location: London

Huh, huhuhuh. Drugs. Cool. Althoug after i left Coventry i kinda lost interest in getting off my nuts all the time. It's something that requires money, perseverance and a lot of spare time - a hobby you really need to work at. I've not been playing with fire long but so far i'd say twirling whilst sstoned is nice as it's suddenly not so important to remeber where your arms are. Ooooh - pretty lights!


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