LuNcHbOx...(Aka. Nathan)-un-singlemember
536 posts
Location: beneath a cloak of self-torture

can anybody remember there first anything....?
(present, dog, poi,...ect.)
my first present that i can remember was
blue bear.
a small bear the was like the coolest bear ever he used to talk to me.
and when you would
him he would giggle and and sing a care bear song.

Cheers to good memories!

-LuNcHbOx, Aka. Nathan...Give a man to fish, and that man knows where to come for more fish...Teach a man to fish and you have just destroyed your market base...

flidBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,136 posts
Location: Warwickshire, United Kingdom

he used to talk to you? You know you can get drugs for that kind of thing these days don't you?

LuNcHbOx...(Aka. Nathan)-un-singlemember
536 posts
Location: beneath a cloak of self-torture

yeah, but it would be educational talk...
Like how the physics of chess, differ from that of space rockets.
but then i grew older and forgot how to talk about chemistry and science and learned how to suck on a binky...
i'd say two years ago...

-LuNcHbOx, Aka. Nathan...Give a man to fish, and that man knows where to come for more fish...Teach a man to fish and you have just destroyed your market base...

reckless girlmember
10 posts
Location: Sydney, Australia

mmm... memories. love it! ok,
- first ever memory: really defined lines of shadow and sunlight on the carpet in our backroom.
- first love: his name was peter and we were in year 2. by some really strange twist of fate we became great friends at uni this year!
- first heartbreak: August this year. wish i didn't remember that.
- first lucid dream: a few weeks ago. my toes were growing and if they got to a certain size then my friend was going to die. i was really worried cos i couldn't stop them but then i realised it was a dream and that my toes didn't have to grow! so my friend survived.

well excuse me i'm only human...

97 posts
Location: Exeter

My first childhood memory is me asking my dad where all his hair was (he was bald!) and him telling me that the pixies stole it to make thier house!
I love my dad

LuNcHbOx...(Aka. Nathan)-un-singlemember
536 posts
Location: beneath a cloak of self-torture

you sound like you had a good child hood....
my dad split when i was 5....
i'm 14 now and the last time i seen him was 4 years ago....

[ 24. December 2002, 06:24: Message edited by: Mr.Box ]

-LuNcHbOx, Aka. Nathan...Give a man to fish, and that man knows where to come for more fish...Teach a man to fish and you have just destroyed your market base...

97 posts
Location: Exeter

Ohh sweet! I am sorry to hear that, here have a big and a big

My childhood was great to begin with, but then my parents lost EVERYTHING, my dad had a nervous breakdown and became a violent alcoholic! He died 5 years ago......I have had big troubles dealing with it, but now I am ok.

Remember what does not kill you will make you stronger!!!
Here have more!!!!!


LuNcHbOx...(Aka. Nathan)-un-singlemember
536 posts
Location: beneath a cloak of self-torture

dude....having a deadbeat dad is better than no dad.....
mi dad was a vio. alc. too....
he tried to kill my mom at least 5-6 times....
but enough of sad mem.'s
here is a and a and a couple of 's
my dad was an awesome dad...
i have millions of happy memories of my dad....
like when he took me down to the lake to swim, fish, and catch fireflies....

(and remember what doesn't make you stronger,
will leave you on the side of the road, bleeding....

[ 24. December 2002, 06:33: Message edited by: Mr.Box ]

-LuNcHbOx, Aka. Nathan...Give a man to fish, and that man knows where to come for more fish...Teach a man to fish and you have just destroyed your market base...

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

-First puppy love, an older sister's friend. He constantly told me I was cute! (always a plus in my book!)

-My first kiss, yup..on the way home from a football game.

-My first "boyfriend", there's many funny stories around that one that I just won't get into.

-My first big bag of M&M's (not the little halloween sized ones). The judge gave them to me over the bench after the papers were signed for my adoption. I was 4.

-My first fight with my sister...I kicked her butt.

-My first drink, my dad's friend slipped me sips, I was 6.

-My first dog, a black lab named Bowser.

-My first cat, black and white tom named Hotsy Totsy.

I have a really good memory, so I won't bore you with my life but those are highlights!

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

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