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BozBRONZE Member
109 posts
Location: Bury St. Edmunds, suffolk, United Kingdom

Name: Boz


Hometown:Bury st. Edmunds

DOB:march 24th '85



Occupation(s): currently roofing

Favorite Food(s): sandwiches

Favorite Color(s):blue on its own, or green and brown in combination

Toys: staff, poi, occasionally caught juggling

Hobbies other than the obvious: drawing and such-like

Education: just finished a history degree

Favorite Book(s): E.M. Forster, two cheers for democracy

Favorite Movie(s): Fight club/nightmare before christmas

Favorite TV show(s): Pocoyo

Plans for life in general: (i.e. what you want to do when you grow up) vagrancy

Favorite Music Artists/Composers: dunno

Favorie ice cream flavor(s): mint choc chip. definitely mint choc chip.

EDITED_BY: Boz (1161525713)

*produces sandwich- is happy*

BozBRONZE Member
109 posts
Location: Bury St. Edmunds, suffolk, United Kingdom

aye, this beardles fellow i must see... in truth it sounds a sight inspiring of greatest awe, yea, verily... etc. ubblol
that's a shame, i'll be in kent come monday... le sigh.. oh well.. i shall be returning from uni sometime round about.... june 7th... so i'll swing by round about then. smile
i reckon we should stretch to some *special* sandwiches n' all wink

*produces sandwich- is happy*

jo_rhymesSILVER Member
Momma Bear
4,525 posts
Location: Telford, Shrops, United Kingdom

ooh la la!
hopefully, his follacles will grow and his natural beardy state will be resumed, so life can continue as normal.

It'd be cool for you to come over, I'm rather partial to a doorstep cheese ploughmans! biggrin

Hoppers are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

BozBRONZE Member
109 posts
Location: Bury St. Edmunds, suffolk, United Kingdom

*realises something*
no.. special sandwiches... i don't know quite how they work.. maybe something to do with the bread.. or the mayo perhaps.. yeah.. that'd work..... ubbidea

*produces sandwich- is happy*

jo_rhymesSILVER Member
Momma Bear
4,525 posts
Location: Telford, Shrops, United Kingdom

i think it implies you use home made chutney?

Hoppers are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

Firefly88BRONZE Member
18 posts
Location: Kent, United Kingdom

good sandwiches : triple fried egg, chili and chutney (preferabley mrs balls) also marmite and nougat... num num num..
*puts plate of prementioned sandiches on table*

BozBRONZE Member
109 posts
Location: Bury St. Edmunds, suffolk, United Kingdom

TRIPLE fried egg chilli and chutney? yeah right, you cop out on them.. two eggs indeed, triple means three tongue tongue
*adds extra eggs to wifey's sandwiches while she's not looking*

*produces sandwich- is happy*

BozBRONZE Member
109 posts
Location: Bury St. Edmunds, suffolk, United Kingdom

*rubs encrusted study out of eyes*
*emerges from sea of post-its and paper*
*does the "i've just finished uni dance" *
*makes fresh sandwiches*
biggrin beerchug biggrin
ubblol ubbloco ubblol
yay smile

*produces sandwich- is happy*

jo_rhymesSILVER Member
Momma Bear
4,525 posts
Location: Telford, Shrops, United Kingdom

yay! well done Boz!! hug bounce

cheese ploughmans? x

Hoppers are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

BozBRONZE Member
109 posts
Location: Bury St. Edmunds, suffolk, United Kingdom

nah, bacon

*produces sandwich- is happy*

jo_rhymesSILVER Member
Momma Bear
4,525 posts
Location: Telford, Shrops, United Kingdom

you're cooking it then biggrin

Hoppers are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

BozBRONZE Member
109 posts
Location: Bury St. Edmunds, suffolk, United Kingdom


*produces sandwich- is happy*

YakumoSILVER Member
1,237 posts
Location: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

glad to have met you man, hope to again some time too, Play, or Suffolk, I do get over there sometimes, mostly nearish Norwich smile

Blinded by Hyperlights, please donate generously grin


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