BirgitBRONZE Member
had her carpal tunnel surgery already thanks v much
4,145 posts
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)

Has anyone ever been to one of those? I got an invitation to apply for one today. It's by one of those big international consulting companies...

Now while I'm not sure if consulting is anything I'd be good at (though their online practice ones said I am, surprisingly), I'm quite happy to explore all the options I'll have once the PhD is finished. And a free weekend in the mountains with some practice for interviews and assessment centres is not the worst thing in the world.

So, has anyone been to a recruitment weekend and would like to share the experience? Dresscode (minimum requirements since I won't spend much money on it), what really really not to do, what to do if you realise after half an hour that this is the last place in the world you want to be, and all that? ubbrollsmile

"vices are like genitals - most are ugly to behold, and yet we find that our own are dear to us."
(G.W. Dahlquist)

Owner of Dragosani's left half

BirgitBRONZE Member
had her carpal tunnel surgery already thanks v much
4,145 posts
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)

 Written by: 87wt2gxq7

Walk out, I spose. But only after you drink the bar dry, steal all the company freebies, kick a few tables over and pee on the rug.

The RUG! They'll send the DUDE after me ubblol Good plan though, that's what my thoughts were, except for the rug smile thanks!! hug

Am not that much of a stinking hippie, I'm an in-between-person. So if they don't like half-hippies, then my answers to their hobbies-questions means they won't invite me anyways! weavesmiley

"vices are like genitals - most are ugly to behold, and yet we find that our own are dear to us."
(G.W. Dahlquist)

Owner of Dragosani's left half

BirgitBRONZE Member
had her carpal tunnel surgery already thanks v much
4,145 posts
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)

BBSRC? They've got nuffink to do with me, cause I'm not British so they don't like me (likewise with the MRC!). I'm sponsored by the evil industry instead!

Nihilists are okay, I can speak German with them and they have cool pets biggrin

"vices are like genitals - most are ugly to behold, and yet we find that our own are dear to us."
(G.W. Dahlquist)

Owner of Dragosani's left half

BirgitBRONZE Member
had her carpal tunnel surgery already thanks v much
4,145 posts
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)

of COURSE they're not legal. They are people sent by even more evil people who come and pee on someone's carpet! Expecting them to be legal would be like expecting a dealer's debt collector squad to knock politely wink

"vices are like genitals - most are ugly to behold, and yet we find that our own are dear to us."
(G.W. Dahlquist)

Owner of Dragosani's left half

2,354 posts
Location: Away from home

I've got a marmotte that lives in New York City and he seems perfectly happy, if a little sleepy smile

Birgit - I've got no helpful advice I'm afraid. Do you know where they would be taking you away to?

BirgitBRONZE Member
had her carpal tunnel surgery already thanks v much
4,145 posts
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)

to the Alps smile Kitzbuehel I think. Too bad I don't ski, I could take a few extra-dazs off wink

"vices are like genitals - most are ugly to behold, and yet we find that our own are dear to us."
(G.W. Dahlquist)

Owner of Dragosani's left half

BirgitBRONZE Member
had her carpal tunnel surgery already thanks v much
4,145 posts
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)

well why do you think I want to go! wink

I'll just apply for it and see if they want me at all. Probably not...

"vices are like genitals - most are ugly to behold, and yet we find that our own are dear to us."
(G.W. Dahlquist)

Owner of Dragosani's left half

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