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sketchGOLD Member
Empirically random...
431 posts
Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

I found a thread thats just recently started, about a guy who's in so much pain that he wants to pull out his own teeth, because he cant afford surgery.

I thought id share the link, as i found the conversation so fascinating, and the reaction of the different people on the thread is so varied. It says alot about human nature...
If this is genuine (i reckon it might be), it makes me wonder what i would do *if* no-one would help.....

ouch frown

pulling teeth

"This dark place planet Earth, orbits one star,
Come from afar, far away state of mind,
open up your third eye, black helicopters in the sky"

jeff(fake)Scientist of Fortune
1,189 posts
Location: Edinburgh

There has to be some kind of emergency dental care in America. umm

Then again, it is America...

According to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle of Quantum Dynamics, we may already be making love right now...

sketchGOLD Member
Empirically random...
431 posts
Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

i have no idea, but in a car crash kinda way, it would be interesting if he did do it....

"This dark place planet Earth, orbits one star,
Come from afar, far away state of mind,
open up your third eye, black helicopters in the sky"

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

 Written by: jeff(fake)

There has to be some kind of emergency dental care in America. umm

Then again, it is America...

Tis true. This would never happen in a CIVILIZED country.


Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

97 posts
Location: Brisbane, Queensland

This sort of thing happens regularly in reginal Australia, even if you have money, since there is a great shortage of all medical people, especially dentists. The public system is useless even in the cities as a mate of mine almost pulled out a tooth herself in Gympie (2 hours from a capital city and itself a very large town equiped with a substantial public hospital). Someone else I work with in Brisbane waited about a week for a private dentist even with money because of the shortage of dentists. There was also someone who actually did pull a tooth themselves repoorted on the news a few weeks ago,and I have heard that this is not an uncommon practice by people with tooth aches and iether no money of no nearby dentist , regardless of moneyto pay or not. This is definitly not a country to be a smoker or soft drink drinker in, or to get sick in at all realy.

At least its not as bad as America though, sounds like that country is a place were the medical symbol of the snake on a stick means you wave a witchcraft stick at yourself first, hit yourself on the head with it if that dousent work, and if all else fails bite yourself to death with the poison snake. No wonder they have that symbol in our public health system in Australia aswell. (Fortunatly we have an abundance of deadly serpents aswell) At least Queensland no longer has Jayant Patel (DR Death) , just the system that employed him in the first place and tryed to cover up his mistakes.

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Emergency dental care? You jest right?
Yeah...PWB's brother had an infection in his tooth and no coverage/money to pay. He ended up having to go to the emergency room which gave him pain killers, anti-inflammatories and an anti-biotic until he could get to the dentist.

Even once he made an appointment it was 4 weeks out...and he had to borrow money from his mom to pay for it.

Emergency dental care in America!
You're such a comedian! rolleyes

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

SezzieSILVER Member
54 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

So does anyone know what happened with this guy? I was reading and then it won't let me read till the end!! I'm intrigued!!!

Life moves pretty fast and if you don't stop and look around once in a while you just might miss it!

sketchGOLD Member
Empirically random...
431 posts
Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

delete your cookies in internet options and it *should* let you carry on.
I thought dental care in the UK was bad eek obviously it isnt, we have ways of getting free dental care,
ubblol @ NYC

"This dark place planet Earth, orbits one star,
Come from afar, far away state of mind,
open up your third eye, black helicopters in the sky"

Groovy_DreamSILVER Member
449 posts
Location: Australia

 Written by: The_Magnesium_Master

This sort of thing happens regularly in reginal Australia, even if you have money, since there is a great shortage of all medical people, especially dentists. The public system is useless even in the cities as a mate of mine almost pulled out a tooth herself in Gympie (2 hours from a capital city and itself a very large town equiped with a substantial public hospital). Someone else I work with in Brisbane waited about a week for a private dentist even with money because of the shortage of dentists. There was also someone who actually did pull a tooth themselves repoorted on the news a few weeks ago,and I have heard that this is not an uncommon practice by people with tooth aches and iether no money of no nearby dentist , regardless of moneyto pay or not. This is definitly not a country to be a smoker or soft drink drinker in, or to get sick in at all realy.

At least its not as bad as America though, sounds like that country is a place were the medical symbol of the snake on a stick means you wave a witchcraft stick at yourself first, hit yourself on the head with it if that dousent work, and if all else fails bite yourself to death with the poison snake. No wonder they have that symbol in our public health system in Australia aswell. (Fortunatly we have an abundance of deadly serpents aswell) At least Queensland no longer has Jayant Patel (DR Death) , just the system that employed him in the first place and tryed to cover up his mistakes.

Hows the wife hunting going, MM?

PrometheusDiamond In The Rough
459 posts
Location: Richmond, Virginia

I have a decent job and I can't afford a cleaning, much less the surgery I need. I haven't been able to chew on the right side of my mouth for two years. I'm praying I get dental insurance this month, just so I can keep what few orginal teeth I have left.

Dental care in America? We can't even get health care. God forbid I ever get seriously hurt. I can't afford to get better.

Dance like it hurts; Love like you need money; Work like someone is watching.

Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes.

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