Woo!HCH No 2
216 posts
Location: Chester, Cheshire.

This post is a little bit later than I had hoped, as I haven't been on here for a while! I have been doing 12 and 14 hour shifts in a factory... It's awful, but I shall save that rant for when I have completed a month of it!

My question is this:

Are you the person/people who was walking down the verge of the A34 Newbury bypass by the services, just past a big roundabout???

I was driving back home from Southampton and I saw a bloke (I presume) in a suit and sombrero, some one swinging poi and a third person. I was doing about 70 (not 1mph over, wink wink, nudge nudge) so my view was brief at best.. Who were you, and sorry for not giving you a lift, when I had registered all the info, and looked for somewhere to stop, I was 1.5 miles up the road.

EDIT: This was 2 weeks ago today I think...

Also I would like to wish TrippyHippy all the luck in he world in finding a new job. He got made redundant today (But I'll let him break that news!) Good look matey, God is telling you to start a circus!

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales


that is one of the only posts that has made me laugh the first time i read it....just the bluntness of
Are you the person/people who was walking down the verge of the A34 Newbury bypass by the services, just past a big roundabout???

absolute stunner..

Woo!HCH No 2
216 posts
Location: Chester, Cheshire.

Thought I'd get straight to the point, y'know..

85 posts
Location: Cheshire

It was me...u wont even stop to give me a lift!

High Class Hippy #5'One day i WILL own a VW Campervan''i'll sell a liver, u can live with just one, cant u?'Jebus...Jebus

SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

oh that was the million, minus 999,995 man march. Damn i missd it again ..


Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

DeepSoulSheepGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
2,617 posts
Location: Berlin, Ireland

suit and sombrero, some one swinging poi and a third person

Jim, you need to start getting more sleep my friend.

I live in a world of infinite possibilities.

RoziSILVER Member
100 characters max...
2,996 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

I want to know more about this third person...

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

Trippie HippieBRONZE Member
old hand
733 posts
Location: Bewildered state of nothingness, United Kingdom

Thanks Jim!!!!!!!!
Got a meeting with the Personnel people today to sort out my redundancy package

Just had the meeting with Personnel HAHAHA!!!!!! I'm glad i'm going!!!!!!!
Tra lalala la!!!!! I'm in the money, I'm in the money!!!!!!!!
Taking it easy

Last night i met some pixies and we danced around a stone.
High Class Hippy No:1
N.E.W.B. Agent #012
"I Got Soul"
Non-Https Image Link

[ 15. April 2003, 01:25: Message edited by: Trippy Hippy ]

Trippie Hippie- Monty Dons secret love child

Fly like a mouse, run like a pillow, be the small book case.

"Last night i met some pixies and we danced around a stone".

Because dressing up is fun.

85 posts
Location: Cheshire

Lets buy a VW Camper then! U'll get the money back when u dont want it anymore, and hey...i even know a guy whos selling one!! Mint green ok?! u could always get it painted again...anycolour u want *hint orange/purple*

Chili pepper

(then sell it on to me for a cheaper price cos after all i am ur mates lil sis (whos getting better at poi then he is) hahaha

High Class Hippy #5'One day i WILL own a VW Campervan''i'll sell a liver, u can live with just one, cant u?'Jebus...Jebus

Trippie HippieBRONZE Member
old hand
733 posts
Location: Bewildered state of nothingness, United Kingdom

Originally posted by chilipepper:
ur mates lil sis (whos getting better at poi then he is) hahaha

I had heard that your turning into a proper poier!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!
I also heard that you put The Scientist to shame
I better start practising otherwise you'll be better than me !!!!!!
Taking it easy

Last night i met some pixies and we danced around a stone.
High Class Hippy No:1
N.E.W.B. Agent #012
"I Got Soul"
Non-Https Image Link

Trippie Hippie- Monty Dons secret love child

Fly like a mouse, run like a pillow, be the small book case.

"Last night i met some pixies and we danced around a stone".

Because dressing up is fun.

85 posts
Location: Cheshire

I was obviously born to be a 'poier', and i only got 4 months till v2003 where i will be able to show off some skill (hopefully). Will have to get some ones that light up...so it looks better!

Ive been showing gem some of the moves, she tries, and makes up her own moves! haha!

Dont u think the campervan idea was a good 1? U could sell ur house...live in the campervan on the broken cross carpark...or even live by a different pub each nite! sorted!

Chili Pepper

ps...u will have to get practising...im getting good!

High Class Hippy #5'One day i WILL own a VW Campervan''i'll sell a liver, u can live with just one, cant u?'Jebus...Jebus

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