iamnickdGOLD Member
13 posts
Location: USA

Name: Nick
Country: USA/Canada
Hometown: Saco, Maine
DOB: 20/11/84
Age: 22
Sex: M
Occupation(s): Barista / Fire Performer
Favorite Food(s): Vegan Garlic Bread
Favorite Color(s): Brown (no, seriously)
Toys: Instruments, Poi
Hobbies other than the obvious: Playing guitar; bass;
piano, Dancing, Singing, Bicycles, Cooking, Adventures, Films
Education: College Sophmore; Creative Writing Major
Favorite Book(s): Vonnegut
Favorite Movie(s): Princess Bride
Favorite TV show(s): n/a
Plans for life in general (i.e. what you want to do when you grow up): Move to Montreal (I'm a Canadian/US citizen)
Favorite Music Artists/Composers: Varies
Favorie ice cream flavor(s): Soy Double Chocolate Fudge! (I make it)

clarence_quackSILVER Member
1,927 posts
Location: over your left shoulder, Australia

Hello! Welcome to Hop!
Enjoy your stay. It helps to be a little crazy round here!
*runs away before Gidg can find me*

Nutella Brigade Unite!

"Look! I have a rainbow penis!" - Rouge

Owned By Steaks

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

Too late! *Shoots another stream of chocolate milk and hits CQ in the back*

Ooooooh a Cananaduck! How are you doing Nick? Welcome to HoP!

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


iamnickdGOLD Member
13 posts
Location: USA

I'm doing alright. Glad to see the community is active. Fire performers here in Maine are few and far between, which makes networking almost impossible. I've only met fire jugglers around here, but I'm hoping to stumble across someone in the near future.

Thanks for the welcome folks!

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

Are you Nick D or caught by the police?

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

iamnickdGOLD Member
13 posts
Location: USA

I'm not sure I follow. Unless 'caught by the police' is some other user's screen name, in which case, no. (Or are you subtly trying to inform me that my house is about to be raided? Uh oh.)

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

i was making a bad joke with "nickd" being simple spelling of "nicked" redface

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

DarkFyreBRONZE Member
HoP mage and keeper of the fireballs
1,965 posts
Location: Palmerston North, New Zealand

Welcome to HoP and don't mind the crazyness it's just normal around these parts.

Rouge be nice if the jokes get too bad then you'll scare him away tho I do think that we should give him some stick about his very masculine favorite movie. lolsign

May my balls of fire set your balls on fire devil

georgemcBRONZE Member
Sitting down facing forward . . .
2,387 posts
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

Hey Nick - welcome aboard! Yeah, don't mind the crazies - luckily you've already met the 3 biggest crazies above. wink

I was just popping in to warn you that with your "I am nicked" name you may become a target for the terrible trio of CQ, Gidg and General Rouge but they were too quick and have already trompled their muddy and choc milk covered selves through your otherwise fine intro thread making a mess of it. They are currently running rampant in this manner and I'm sure that sooner or later someone will make a formal complaint to the Mods and then I'll have to put my other hat on and give them a rather stern talking to. spank


Written by: Doc Lightning talking about Marmite in Kichi's Intro thread

I have several large jars of the stuff. I actually like it... a little. And don't tell anyone I admitted to it.

iamnickdGOLD Member
13 posts
Location: USA

Hah, no worries. I don't take internet forum comments to heart. I didn't get the "nick'd" association, actually, which just makes it that much funnier.

And for the record, I've yet to meet a "man" who doesn't like The Princess Bride. When that day comes, I will laugh in his face as I'm sure he either hasn't seen the movie, or is lying to save his machismo. I think macho guys are really hilarious, and I laugh at them a lot, usually uncontrolably.

Anyway, warm or not, thanks for the welcome everyone! :P

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

I was worried there might have been a dialect difference with the "nick'd" thing redface

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

iamnickdGOLD Member
13 posts
Location: USA

First name NICK, last initial D. Simple as that.

georgemcBRONZE Member
Sitting down facing forward . . .
2,387 posts
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

Hardly a warm welcome with all that chocolate milk squirting around the place! biggrin

Anyway, hopefully that's all in the past now and you can settle down to some nice quiet spinning!


Written by: Doc Lightning talking about Marmite in Kichi's Intro thread

I have several large jars of the stuff. I actually like it... a little. And don't tell anyone I admitted to it.

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

no, i mean, my bad joke might have been more of a dialect thing. I thought that when you initially didnt get it.

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

iamnickdGOLD Member
13 posts
Location: USA

It's alright. I lit my hat on fire tonight during a public performance. It was a lot of fun. But I did a neck wrap afterwards which made the crowd "ooOOOoo!", and that made it all worth it.

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