Forums > Advanced Poi Moves > Weave to butterfly change based on double stalls & isolations

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Red_RaveNGOLD Member
Neo - Hippie
358 posts
Location: Sala, Slovakia

Simple idea..

Picture a double weave vertical(opposite) stall in front of the body. And a double vertical split time butterfly stall(on either side of the body).

Or a same time butterfly double upwards/downwards stall and a follow time same direction double upwards/downwards stall.

Notice how in each of those situations both stalls are the same?

Now the idea being, that you can enter a (say, opposite vertical) stall from both a weave and a st bt, and you can also exit into a weave or a st bt. Meaning, enter from a weave, exit in butterfly. Or enter bt, exit weave.


Split time butterfly to double HORIZONAL stall to follow time weave and back the same way.

Weave to double horizontal opposite stall (in front of body) to butterfly and back.


Realize that you can basically do an opposite double stall in three positions:

-poi heads touching (hands 2 poi lenghts apart, "broad" stall)

-poi head next to opposite hand, (hands 1 poi apart, "middle" stall)

-hands next to each other, (poi pass along each other completely, "compact?" stall)

Same direction stalls dont really have this kind of possibility. Or better said, they do something similar but I havent explored there yet(possible hybridae stuff in there).. smile

Now the fun part with some examples and ideas smile

Get used to an opposite "middle" stall in front of your body with short poi.

Do a buzzsaw isolation. Notice when your hands are at a 6/12 o clock position. Pull hands apart into a long arm split time butterfly, split time opposite "medium" stall on the other side, continue buzzsaw same direction split time isolation.

Then, try: half beat isolation, half beat st btfl (meaning: hands change top <> bottom in stall, then hands transfer to other side of body, etc.)

Change split time to follow time.

Switch weave and butterfly in iso and longarm.

Try a "compact" stall in the example above, to non-isoed buzzsaw.

Try a "broad" stall in the example above, to absolute isolation. (yes, it is possible for a half beat.. ubbrollsmile )

Insert inversions (in buzzsaw invs, middle stalls, depends on correct positions of hands relative to poi heads & strings, you wont have a problem if you can do them)

Add plane changes from stalls.

And so on, and so on..

Practical routine application is in a few nice direction changes her and there, as far as I can imagine. As with most stalls, massive application isn't that effective.

Ask for any clarification you need, I know this isn't that comprehensible..

So, who wants a video? ubbangel

BTW.. I had no idea what to search for with this stuff, so if it's allready here.. Sorry redface


EDITED_BY: Red_RaveN (1199425541)

Smile.. It confuses people..:)

Wonders never cease as long as you never cease to wonder.

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Hmmm.... Some nice stuff....

Sort of done some of it, maybe I need to play with it more though.

With same direction, you can use similar terms:
You would have a broad stall:
poi head - chain - hand - other poi head - chain - hand.
narrow/compact stall:
both heads - chains both hands.

Do not think you can get a medium stall though. From here, you can move into a butterfly or a weave or whatever.

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

sxsk17BRONZE Member
17 posts
Location: USA

nice ideas.

Is this (the 1st idea presented) basically the idea that a stall need not reverse direction? so when you stall both poi, you could reverse the direction of one and not the other, to get back and forth from weave and butterfly directions?

I like the distinction of "broad" "middle" and "compact" stalls. fun stuff to work with.

Red_RaveNGOLD Member
Neo - Hippie
358 posts
Location: Sala, Slovakia

 Written by: sxsk17

Is this (the 1st idea presented) basically the idea that a stall need not reverse direction? so when you stall both poi, you could reverse the direction of one and not the other, to get back and forth from weave and butterfly directions?

Exactly! Which is the single most important fact I forgot to mention smile

Actually Ive seen many people do similar things tho noone has really expanded the idea..

Smile.. It confuses people..:)

Wonders never cease as long as you never cease to wonder.

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Hmmm.... Messed around last night with it. To keep it going in the same direction, I had to not stall it properly.

To elaborate:
in an inwards butterfly, stop both in a broad stall (hey, it is nice!).
Now, I want to go into a forward weave to my right, so I need to lift my right arm and pull it while letting the the left poi drop back down.
Not a problem, just something to be aware of.
Dunno if anyone else has this? Probably just my own lack of control.

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

Deamon_LlamaBRONZE Member
78 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

I see what you mean, but whenever I would go into a split time butterfly stall, they'd be on one side of me, and a weave stall is centred. Would that matter? You might end up doing one half of a long arm version of the move you end up going into.

No statements are true unless they can be proven scientifically.

Red_RaveNGOLD Member
Neo - Hippie
358 posts
Location: Sala, Slovakia

Ill elaborate on that tomorrow smile it just takes a bit of moving your whole body or doing the stall nearer to the body center..

Smile.. It confuses people..:)

Wonders never cease as long as you never cease to wonder.

AlienJonGOLD Member
290 posts
Location: Everywhere, USA

Nice ideas! I do this type of thing in flow, but I haven't isolated (non-poi) the concept and worked with it yet.

I like the broad, middle, and compact stalls... but I don't like the names so much as they are confusing (I'm silly when it comes to names though ;-)... Middles ok. My issue is that you are applying 'broad' and 'compact' to the hands: ie when the hands are far apart its broad, when they are close its compact. This makes sense for the spinner that is paying attention to the hand positions. However, for a spinner paying attention to the poi heads, the terminology could be reversed: ie heads close together = 'compact' and heads far apart = 'broad'. This latter relationship is what the audience is more likely to perceive, since the poi head is what is usually emanating light.

Anyway the more practical point of that last bit of carrying on is this:

It is useful to think of the poi as made up of 3 elements (points/vertices if you like) along the poi body. the 'handle', the 'middle', and the 'head'. This is exactly what you are relating with the different stall relationships.

The way I see it, you should be able to relate any combination of these elements meeting each other or lining up between the 2 poi stalling, from 'BF' or 'chase':
hand meets hand
middle meets middle
head meets head
hand meets head

...and of course there are the sillier combinations where middle meets head or hand... which might actually be viable for making a 'T' when stalling at 90 degrees.

Anyway, there are my 2 cents worth of thoughts. Time to go play with these combinations and see what comes out!

-Alien Jon

+Alien Jon

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Hmmm.... A valid point about where to take it from.

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

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