Forums > Events, Performances and Gatherings > FirePit Goa - start your season in India

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Under the amazingly beautiful imprint that the [Old link] left last February, I intend to organize two events:

- FirePit, Goa: November 2008 for all (fire)performers to get together, cuddle, exchange ideas, form teams and prepare performances for the coming season in India and exchange on rates paid.

- Body Arts Convention, Goa: January 2009 for all (fire)performers to see what they've been missing out in the FirePit or - better speaking: for all (fire)performers to get together, cuddle, exchange ideas, form teams and prepare performances for the coming season in Europe/ rest of the world and exchange on rates paid.

If you consider to work as a performer in India during the season 2008/2009, I strongly recommend to attend the former. But even if you're just an occasional spinner, you will get the kicks and sparks that will keep you busy practising all season.

The location is still to get scouted. It might not be HillTop. Certainly I keep you posted - just that you note the date already in your (travel) itinerary.

Plus we are currently working out a concept that implements a centre for (fire)performance, healing and arts in general (in Goa). It will be a community project, not intended to generate material wealth for individuals, but to elevate vibrations and connect beautiful people - we'll also keep you posted on this one.

Basically it's going to be a winter-camp for all those tired of the northern hemisphere, endless duffing in Australia and Thailand and who are interested in (to contribute to) a creative commons environment, sustain your self at low-cost, with the opportunity for personal development and growth smile

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

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